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Q: Who wrote the tragedy of Oedipus Rex?
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Who wrote Oedipus Rex?

Sophocles, an Ancient Greek playwright, wrote Oedipus Rex.

Does Oedipus Rex meet all the criteria of tragedy?


Which playwright wrote Oedipus Rex?


The play Oedipus Rex was written by?

The classic tragedy Oedipus Rex was written by Sophocles and first performed in 429 BC. Aristotle proclaimed the play the best Greek tragedy ever written in his book Poetica.

Why is Oedipus a tradgedy?

Oedipus Rex is a tragedy because The main character (Oedipus) suffers a major loss of some sort that tears his/her life apart. The play can be called a Greek tragedy because hubris (pride or arrogance) is a main theme. The fact that the belief in gods and fate are very prevalent also make Oedipus Rex a Greek tragedy.

What is an example of a Greek tragedy?

Their economy. (sad but true) Oedipus Rex Agamemnon

Type of plays that sophocles wrote?

Oedipus Rex

What Greek playwright wrote 'Oedipus Rex'?


Which Greek playwright wrote Oedipus Rex?


How does Oedipus Rex meet all the criteria of a tragedy?

Kills his father and blinds himself.

Is Oedipus Rex an epic?

No, Oedipus is a tragedy. An epic is a long narrative poem with several characters and subplots. The Iliad and the Odyssey are epics.

What plays are related to 'Oedipus Rex'?

Plays that are connected to 'Oedipus Rex' include those written by Aeschylus [c. 525/524 B.C.E. - 456/455 B.C.E.] and Sophocles [496 B.C.E.-406 B.C.E.]. Aeschylus wrote 'Laius', 'Oedipus', 'The Sphinx', and 'Seven against Thebes'. Sophocles wrote 'Oedipus Rex', 'Oedipus at Colonus', and 'Antigone'.