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Q: Whom does Titania see and fall in love with when she wakes up?
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Why is the flower whose juice Oberon seeks special?

Oberon is going to pure the juice into Titania eyes while she is sleep. Then when she wakes up, the first thing she sees she will fall in love with. When she falls in love with Oberon he will make her give him the boy.

What trick does oberon play on titania?

He gives her a kind of date-rape drug called "Love-in-idleness" which makes her fall in love with the first thing she sees when she wakes up, which turns out to be the half-man half-donkey Bottom.

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In A Midsummer Night's Dream Why does oberon want titiana to fall in love with something?

Oberon wants Titania to fall in love with something so that he can distract and manipulate her. He does this as a form of revenge for refusing to give him a changeling boy she has in her care. Oberon uses a love potion to make Titania fall in love with Bottom, a Weaver transformed into a donkey.

What did oberon do to titania?

He juiced her eyes with a drug called love-in-idleness, which would make her fall in love with the next thing she saw.

What angel wakes me from my flowery bed quote come from?

The quote "What angel wakes me from my flowery bed?" comes from the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare. It is spoken by the character Titania, the Queen of the Fairies, when she awakens from a love potion-induced slumber.

Why does Puck turn Bottom's head into a Donkey?

So when Titania awakens, she'll fall in love with a man with a donkey head.

What does puck do to titania?

Puck uses a magic flower to make Titania fall in love with Bottom, who has been transformed into a donkey by Puck's mischief. This causes a comedic chaos in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

How does Bottom react to Titania and the other fairies?

He is first excited that titania had fallen for such an ugly creature but then he starts to feel guilty about it.

Can guys really fall in love?

Guys can fall in love. But guys can also feel lust toward people whom they do not really love.

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How does Titania respond when Oberon asks for fairy child this time?

Titania and Oberon are two characters in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Knight's Dream". Oberon asks Titania to take the child twice. The second time, Titania again refuses and leaves. Oberon vows revenge, creating a potion that will cause her to fall in love with the first thing she sees. This, of course, is used on the wrong person.