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This was because, generally speaking, the noble characters had noble things to say. The plebes were given jokes or other silliness. Blank verse, unrhymed iambic pentameter, makes things said in it sound more noble; it emphasizes the nobility of the statement. These statements are not only poetic because of their rhythm, but because of the imagery and figures of speech they employ. However, if a noble character went insane or stopped saying noble things, Shakespeare would start to write their dialogue in prose.

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Unrhymed iambic pentameter, or blank verse, is more stately and impressive than the random rhythms of prose. When someone has something important to say, they are likely to say it in blank verse. If it's a joke, it's likely to be in prose. Most of the time it is the nobles who were saying important things and the hoi polloi who were making the jokes.

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Q: Why did shakespeare use iambic pentameter for the dialogue of noble character while commoners often spoke in prose?
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Why did Shakespeare use iambic pentameter for the dialogue of noble characters while commoners often spoke in blank verse or prose?

To show the difference between an educated, refined noble class and coarse, crude commoners

Why did Shakespeare use iambic pentameter for the dialogue of noble characters while commoners often spoken in blank verse or prose?

To show the difference between an educated, refined noble class and coarse, crude commoners -Apex-

Why did Shakespeare use iambic pentameter for the dialogue of noble characters?

Why did Shakespeare use iambic pentameter for the dialogue of noble characters

Are all Shakespeare plays written in iambic pentameter?

All of Shakespeare's plays have at least some dialogue in iambic pentameter. The amount of prose varies from play to play.

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Shakespeare wrote a lot of dialogue in his plays in blank verse, which is unrhymed iambic pentameter.

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Dialogue for working class people was usually written in prose rather than in verse.

Which type of poetry did shakespeare often use in his plays?

Shakespeare and his contemporaries often used blank verse (unrhymed iambic pentameter) for the dialogue in their plays.

What form of writing would shakespeare use for iambic pentameter?

Do you mean, what sort of handwriting would he use? The same handwriting he always used: secretary hand. Or do you mean "When did Shakespeare use iambic pentameter?" The answer is in sonnets and in a lot of the dialogue in his plays, when it was supposed to be more powerful.

Did Shakespeare create a type of poetry?

Yes, Shakespeare is known for his sonnets, which are a type of poetry consisting of 14 lines with a specific rhyme scheme. He also wrote various other forms of poetry such as blank verse and narrative poems.

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'blinking idiot'what shakespeare play does this quote come from?

The phrase "blinking idiot" is not a direct quote from any of William Shakespeare's plays. It may be a modern adaptation or interpretation of a character's dialogue in one of his works, but it is not a famous line from Shakespeare's original text.

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