

Why do noses run?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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12y ago

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Because feet smell.

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Q: Why do noses run?
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What is the verb in the sentence their noses run?

It is the word run.

What is the reactions about the story of Pinocchio?

Pinocchio was written to reduce lying in children. For many years, children would run to a mirror to look at their noses when they told a fib to check the size of their noses.

Do Pillbugs have Noses?

No they do not have noses.

Do starfish have noses?

No, starfish do not have noses.

How many noses does a slug have?

Slugs have 4 noses.

Does a fish have noses?

Yes they do. They have 4 noses.

What phobia is the fear of noses?

There does not appear to be a scientific name to describe the fear of noses.

What do German noses look like?

German noses come in a variety of shapes and sizes, just like noses in any other population. There is no one specific "German nose" that can be used to categorize all individuals of German descent.

Do possums have noses?

Of course. All mammals have noses.

Do teenage mutant ninja turtles have noses?

No , they do not have noses .

Animals with funny noses?

Anteaters have funny noses.

Why does a slug have four noses?

Those are not noses. they are eyes.