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It was easier for her to place the blame on a woman who isn't like the rest of the townsfolk, seeing as she came from Barbados, which was known for the practice of voodoo.

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Q: Why does Abigail accuse Tituba of witchcraft?
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Who accused tituba of witchcraft?

The first to accuse Tituba was Betty Parris. The other three girls who were afflicted in the beginning, Abigail Williams, Ann Putnam and Elizabeth Hubbard, also accused Tituba.

In The Crucible by Arthur Miller who does Abigail accuse of witchcraft?

In The Crucible Abigail accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft.

Why does tituba accuse goody good and goody osburn of witchcraft?

To try to keep herself out of trouble

In the Crucible of the book what is the answer to who does Abigail accuse of conjuring spirits at this point?

tituba is the one who conjured up the spirits

When Abigail is questioned by reverend hale who does she blame what proof does she offer by the book the crucible by arthur miller?

When Abigail is accused of witchcraft, she is quick to blame Tituba. She says that Tituba influences her spirit to make her laugh in church.

What happened to the people who confessed to practicing witchcraft during the Salem witchcraft trials?

They were released from jail. This was the case for Abigail and Deliverance Hobbs as well as Tituba.

Who does tituba accuse?

In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Tituba accuses Goody Good and Goody Osburn of being involved in witchcraft. She said that the devil came to her at night and that Goody Good and Goody Osburn were with him.

Whom does abagail blam first?

I assume you are referring to the character Abigail Williams in the play "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller. If so, then the answer to your question is the slavewoman Tituba. Abigail accuses her of witchcraft.

Who does Abigail accuse of conjuring spirits at this point from the book the crucible by arthur miller?

She accuses Tituba of forcing her to drink charms at night and dance.

Which is an example of a cliffhanger in The Crucible?

One example of a cliffhanger in The Crucible is when John Proctor confesses to committing adultery with Abigail Williams in an effort to save his wife, Elizabeth. The audience is left wondering what the outcome of this confession will be and how it will affect the characters and the unfolding events in the play.

What does tituba confess?

Tituba confesses to witchcraft since Abigail and the others were claiming she had committed the crime. Tituba was wanting to escape the extreme punishment of whippings and being hanged and so she took the easy road out and just confessed to a crime she had not commited. The punishment was lesser and she was allowed to just go to church to get the devil out of her instead of getting killed for "witchcraft".

In the crucible who is the first person to actually mention names?

In "The Crucible," the first person to mention names of people involved in witchcraft is Abigail Williams. She accuses Tituba of witchcraft and then begins to name other people in the community whom she claims to have seen with the devil.