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Woodchucks, or groundhogs as they are sometimes known. latin name marmota monax, are not equipped with the bone structure and musculature required in order to throw things.

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Q: Why don't woodchucks chuck wood?
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How much wood could a?

I think you mean "How much wood could a wood chuck chuck." I'm guessing woodchucks can't physically throw things, considering their small hands. Although, if you've seen the Geico commercial, I'll understand if you think otherwise.

How does the riddle how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood end?

As much wood as a woodchuck chucks if a woodchuck could chuck wood..... Riddle answer (It's not supposed to be scientific or just a number.) : As much wood as a wood chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood. See? Not scientifically just a tongue twister. BTW the question's supposed to be : How much wood can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Similar : How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Only difference is the would and can. See it?

How much pine wood could a pine chuck chuck if a pine chuck could chuck wood?

a pine chuck would chuck wood all day if a pine chuck could chuck wood

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could not chuck wood?

Zero. If he can't chuck wood, he cannot chuck any wood at all. Alas: "A woodchuck would chuck no wood."

Who wrote how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

The original tongue-twister is of unknown origin. In it,"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?is paired with"A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could if a woodchuck could chuck wood."or"As much wood as a woodchuck would, if a woodchuck could chuck wood."

Related questions

Can groundhogs chuck wood?

Of course they can. you've seen the Geico commercial!

Woodchucks can't chuck wood. Am I correct?

You are not, sir.

How much wood would two woodchucks chuck if they both agreed they both would chuck wood?

As they had an accord, they would both chuck a cord.

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

He can chuck 4 because there are 4 woods in the sentence for him to chuck

Do woodchucks live in Washington state?

There is wood in Washington so if you ask your self how much wood a woodchuck, chucks if woodchucks could chuck wood then id say yes

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck

Woodchucks can't chuck wood. The rhyme says, "IF a woodchuck COULD chuck wood"

How much would could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

As much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

The original meaning of the word chuck as it is applied in the case of the woodchuck is 'a dweller' in other words the 'dweller of the woods' or 'that thing that lives in the woods.' Used as a verb the word chuck means 'to throw'. So my opinion is no, woodchucks do not chuck wood.

How many waffles are in a waffle house?

This is answer is proportional to the amount of wood a woodchuck can chuck if it could chuck wood. Just subtract the woodchucks, replace it with fluffy waffles and you will get your answer. Remember to divide.

What does the word chuck mean in a woodchuck can chuck wood?

To chuck means to throw. But woodchucks / groundhogs do not throw wood. The tongue twister is meant as a fun teaching tool for children.It would be the same as if I said:Let's let the lettuce leap long lofty ledges. -- Lettuce cannot and does not leap. Woodchucks do not chuck--throw (anything).The ONLY importance in tongue twisters is the repetition of the first letter, and secondarily, if it rhymes.

What is a wood chuck?

A Woodchuck is another name for a Ground Hog. Ground Hogs have many names such as Land Beavers and Whistlepigs, as well as Woodchucks, and are members of the rodent family.

Why is is called a woodchuck if it cant chuck wood?

how many wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? : NONE