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Q: Why is reverend john hale summoned the crucible?
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Who has expertise in demonology in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Reverend John Hale

What subject is rev hale an expert on in the book the crucible?

Reverend John Hale is an expert on demonology.

Why does hale come to proctors house?

Reverend John Hale and John Proctor are characters in the play "The Crucible." Hale comes to Proctors home to question why Abigail Williams was released from working for the Proctor's.

What does reverend hale ask john proctor to do by the book the crucible by arthur miller?

First he has him recite his commandments and he forgets adultery; then Reverend Hale wants John to confess because he believes that dying is a worse sin than lying.

Who is reverend john hale related to?

Reverend John Hale is Related to Reverend Sameul Parris. :)

What characters in The Crucible are conformists and which are nonconformists?

John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, and Giles Corey are the main nonconformists in The Crucible. Reverend John Hale, Ezekiel Cheever, Reverend Samuel Parris, Betty Parris, Mary Warren, Thomas Putnam, and Ann Putnam are the conformists.

What does Elizabeth encourage John to do on page 56?

On page 56 of The Crucible Elizabeth encourages John to go and talk to Reverend Hale. She wants him tell the Reverend that Abigail had first denied she had any involvement in witch craft.

Who said There is a prodigious danger in the seeking out of loose spirits from the crucible?

Rebecca Nurse says this line to Parris before Reverend John Hale arrives.

What does Reverend Hale want John to do with his information?

If you are talking about The Crucible by Arthur Miller then Reverand Hale wants John Proctor to take his knowledge of Abagail's lies to the court and expose her. John is hesitant to do so for fear that Abagail will tell everyone about their affair

What does reverend parris accuse john of?

Reverend Parris and John are fictional characters in the book, The Crucible. Reverend Parris accused John of leading the factions to be against him.

What does reverend hale want john to do with this information?

The Reverend wants John Proctor to take the information he has to court and expose Abigail for being a liar and a fraud. This idea is upsetting to John because he is worried Abigail will try to get revenge by telling everyone they had an affair. The Crucible was penned by Arthur Miller.

Which characters helped begin the investigations and later condemned them in the crucible?

John Proctor and Reverend Hale initially begin the investigations in "The Crucible," believing in the innocence of those accused of witchcraft. However, as the trials progress, they realize the falsehood of the accusations and work to condemn them, ultimately condemning the trials themselves.