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The Merchant of Venice is a play, not a book. It is meant to be watched, not read.

Although the story of Bassanio and Portia is comic in structure, the subplot about Antonio and Shylock ends tragically for Shylock. In this respect the play is similar to Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, which ends badly for Malvolio, although the ending is happy for the main characters.

One of the peculiarities of The Merchant of Venice is that Shylock, because of the complexity of his character and the opportunity he presents for drama, has become the character in the play actors most want to play. In the nineteenth century, where all Shakespearean plays were treated as a vehicle for a star actor supported by a lot of nobodies, it is Shylock who Henry Irving played, not Bassanio. As a result, it has become Shylock's play, which makes it a tragedy.

Incidentally, the historical fact that the role of Shylock has attracted many great actors is proof positive that the role is not a caricature or some kind of antisemitic stereotype.

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