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she is upset because she finds that Juliet is dead!!

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Q: Why is the nurse so upset when she goes to wake Juliet?
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Who tries to wake Juliet and cries out she is dead?

the nurse was sent to wake up juliet

Who is sent to wake Juliet?

the nurse

Who finds Juliet dead in her bed?

The Nurse. The Nurse discovers Juliet after when she goes to wake her up to tell her Paris was waiting for her downstairs. She finds Juliet apparently dead (actually in a deep sleep after taking the potion) then runs back to get Lady Capulet.

Romeo and Juliet act iv - scene 4 - what is happening in this brief scene?

Capulet is rushing around trying to plan the wedding which he advanced a day. He sends the Nurse to wake Juliet because he hears Paris coming. The Nurse finds Juliet in the next scene.

What does the Nurse find when she goes to Juliets room?

Death was much commoner in the days before good healthcare, clean water and healthy food, and when there were no antibiotics to combat illnesses. All of Juliet's brothers and sisters have died, and the Nurse lost her own daughter Susan (who was Juliet's age). The nurse doesn't think anything in particular when she finds Juliet dead - people died all the time in the old days, it was nothing special.

What does lord Capulet send the nurse to do in act four scene 4 in romeo and Juliet?

In Act 4, Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet, Lord Capulet sends the Nurse to wake Juliet early so that she can prepare for her wedding to Paris. Lord Capulet is eager to move forward with the marriage plans, despite Juliet's objections.

What tragedies does the nurse offending Juliet cause?

The nurse didn't have any better solutions for Juliet's problem than the Friar did. If she hadn't told Juliet to commit bigamy, what would she have said? Probably "I don't know; why don't you ask Friar Lawrence?" So the result might have been the same. Unless the nurse had stayed in Juliet's tomb waiting for her to wake up. That would have done some good.

Who was the first one to find Juliet dead?

Friar Laurence thought he had heard noise coming from the mausoleum, thus he went inside to see Romeo dead and Juliet awake - he had tried to convince Juliet to leave (as the Prince was on his way), but she stayed and stabbed herself with Romeo's dagger.

How does Juliet talk the nurse into leaving her alone for the night?

The Nurse probably does not sleep in the same room as Juliet anyway. Juliet is able to stand talking on her balcony without being observed by the nurse who must call for her. The Nurse is able to leave Juliet and Romeo to sleep together without attracting any attention in the household, since she is not there when they wake up. Likewise she is left alone on the night before her intended marriage to Paris. The Nurse would probably have been flitting around fussing over what kind of wedding dress Juliet should wear, but at the beginning of Act IV Scene III Juliet tells her to go away so Juliet can pray.

Act 4 Scene 1 why does Juliet tell her nurse to leave her room?

Juliet tells her nurse to leave her room in Act 4, Scene 1 because she wants to be left alone to make a decision about marrying Paris. She needs time to think and make choices on her own without the influence of her nurse.

What does the nurse tell Juliet to do after Romeo is exiled?

The cords or ropes that were supposed to be used for Romeo to climb into Juliet's room. Juliet then hears form the Nurse that Romeo has been banished. Juliet then wants to hang herself with the cords.

What does the nurse think when she found Juliet dead on her bed?

the nurse loved Juliet as a daughter, she had raised her since she was born acting as a wet nurse. she later remained as Juliet's "nurse" and grew very close to her, they have a mother-daughter bond.