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Q: Why was the house of wisdom built?
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What are the nouns in the following sentence A house is built by wisdom and becomes strong through good sense?

house, wisdom, sense

What are the verbs in this sentence A house is built by wisdom and becomes strong through good sense?

The verbs are 'to be' (conjugated as "is") and 'to become' (conjugated as "becomes").

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Where was the house of God built

What was built in Athenas honor?

The panthenon was built as a tribute to Athena, the godess of wisdom, battle and useful crafts.

What the house of wisdom?

a research library in Baghdad.

What was the house of wisdom?

a research library in Baghdad.

When was the Petersen House built?

The Petersen House was built in 1849.

When was A House is Built created?

A House is Built was created in 1929.

What is the ISBN of A House is Built?

The ISBN of A House is Built is 0727009702.

The biggest and most beautiful temple in Athens was called the was built to be the home for the goddess of wisdom named?

The Parthenon was built in Athens for the goddess Athena, who is best known as the patron of war, wisdom, and justice.

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the forbidden city was built to house the emperor

Where was the White House built?

The white house was built in Washington D.C.