Glaucon argues that appearing just means obeying the laws and social norms for the sake of reputation or rewards, without truly believing in justice. Being just, on the other hand, involves internalizing and practicing justice for its own sake, even when no one is watching or rewarding you. He believes that true justice comes from within, not just from outward appearances.
Plato was a student of Socrates, and Glaucon was Plato's older brother. Socrates was known for his philosophical teachings, which heavily influenced Plato's own works. Glaucon is mentioned in Plato's dialogues, such as "The Republic," where he participates in philosophical discussions.
Aristotle used wealth and birth as criteria to differentiate between democracy and oligarchy. In a democracy, political power is held by the poor majority, while in an oligarchy, power is held by the wealthy few.
There is no difference between "solipsism" and "solipcism"; they are likely just spelling errors of the same term, which refers to the philosophical idea that only one's mind is sure to exist or the view that the self is all that can be known to exist.
An explanation aims to clarify or describe a concept, process, or phenomenon, while an argument presents a claim along with supporting evidence to persuade or convince others of a particular viewpoint. Explanations seek understanding, while arguments aim to influence beliefs or actions.
The time difference between Utah, USA and the Philippines is typically 14 hours. Utah is 14 hours behind the Philippines.
Glaucon and Palto's were brothers and both were Sacrates' students. ♥mya
Plato was a student of Socrates, and Glaucon was Plato's older brother. Socrates was known for his philosophical teachings, which heavily influenced Plato's own works. Glaucon is mentioned in Plato's dialogues, such as "The Republic," where he participates in philosophical discussions.
Describe is what it is and explain is why it is as it is
Describe is what it is and explain is why it is as it is
Describe the major difference between sheep's and goats
A proposition is a proposal appearing on the ballot.
White reflects most light, appearing brighter. Black absorbs most light, appearing darker. The intensity difference between them can vary depending on the specific shade of white or black being compared.
Except for the fact that for one you'll be appearing in state court and the other you'll be appearing in federal court, nothing.
There is no difference except the words you use to describe them.
power difference