The antonym of sensible is foolish.
What is an antonym for the word "spirit"?
The antonym of "session" is "break" or "hiatus".
Some words do not have opposites [antonyms]. The word "why" has no antonym
antonym of concept
The government decided to abolish the outdated law.
Concoct: verb1. To combine a mixture of different ingredients.2. To think or make up something, such as a plan, scheme or invention.Antonym:1. divide, separate, obliterate, remove, takeout, eliminate2. destroy, terminate, abolish, ruin, wreck, demolish, end, damage
abolish in french is abolir.
William Wilberforce worked to abolish the slave trade.
Abolitionists wanted to abolish slavery.
The prefix for "abolish" is "a-" and the suffix is "-ish."
We must abolish slavery in the world.
The past tense of abolish is abolished.
The antonym of the word 'synonym' is 'antonym'.
The Igbo translation for "Abolish" is "kpachara" or "kpochie."
An antonym means "opposite". So an antonym for the word synonym is antonym.
The first American colony to abolish slavery was Vermont. Vermont abolished slavery in 1777 and after this the abolish movement spread.