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Every paragraph needs a topic sentence. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of the paragraph. It gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph is going to be about The supporting sentences need to be about the idea presented in the topic sentence.

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A topic sentence introduces the main idea or point of a paragraph, while supporting details provide specific information or evidence to support that main idea. The topic sentence acts as a roadmap for the paragraph, guiding readers on what to expect, while supporting details help to reinforce and elaborate on the main point.

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Q: What is the difference between a topic sentence and supporting details?
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What should a supporting paragraph include?

A supporting paragraph should generally include a topic sentence that introduces the main idea, supporting details or evidence that expand on the topic, and a concluding sentence that reinforces the main idea and transitions to the next paragraph. The details provided should be relevant, clear, and connected to the main idea presented in the topic sentence.

What type of sentences surround the topic sentence and provide details and examples?

Supporting sentences provide details and examples that expand on the topic sentence. These sentences offer evidence, explanations, and examples to help develop the main idea presented in the topic sentence. They help to build a strong and cohesive paragraph by providing context and elaborating on the main point.

Can a supporting sentence describes the concluding sentence?

Yes, a supporting sentence adds more information to the concluding sentence by providing additional details, examples, or explanation that reinforce the main point made in the conclusion. It helps to clarify the idea presented in the conclusion and strengthen the overall argument or message of the text.

How does 3 body paragraph look like?

A 3-body paragraph typically includes an introduction sentence that presents the main idea, followed by 3 supporting sentences that provide details, evidence, or explanation to support the main idea. Each paragraph should be structured with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence to tie everything together and transition to the next paragraph. It is important to ensure coherence and unity within the paragraph for clear and effective communication.

Typically the paragraph in an essay contains a?

topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence. The paragraph should focus on a single idea or argument and should be coherent and well-organized.

Related questions

How do you know the difference between supporting details and trivial details?

Supporting details: Details that pertain to the topic at hand. Trivial details: Details that are not required in the conversation.

A topic sentence is followed by?

Supporting details

What is a supporting?

Supporting details are facts and details that explain, describe, or otherwise help the reader understand the topic sentence. Anything that tells more about the topic is a supporting detail!

Where are addition words found?

At the beginning of supporting details sentence

What a is supporting detail?

Supporting details are facts and details that explain, describe, or otherwise help the reader understand the topic sentence. Anything that tells more about the topic is a supporting detail!

How do you write a good paragraph about dolphins?

Start with a good topic sentence that names the supporting details. Then use three supporting details (such as what they eat, their pods, where they live, etc.). Then give two elaborations for each supporting detail (such as how hot where they live is and when and where they migrate too). Finally, give a concluding sentence that sums up the tree supporting details.

4 types of supporting details?

There are indeed three types of supporting details, namely, supporting sentences, detail sentences and concluding sentence. The supporting sentences is tied to the topic sentence; the detail sentences is related to supporting sentences, and concluding sentence re-emphasize the the topic sentence. In fact, there are four elements in a good paragraph - topic sentence, supporting sentences, detail sentences and concluding sentence. I hope that solves your problem.

What should a supporting paragraph include?

A supporting paragraph should generally include a topic sentence that introduces the main idea, supporting details or evidence that expand on the topic, and a concluding sentence that reinforces the main idea and transitions to the next paragraph. The details provided should be relevant, clear, and connected to the main idea presented in the topic sentence.

What are the sentences surround the topic sentence and provide details and examples?

These are called supporting sentences. They further explain the topic sentence.

What type of supporting detail that clarifies or gives additional meaning?

There are indeed three types of supporting details, namely, supporting sentences, detail sentences and concluding sentence. The supporting sentences is tied to the topic sentence; the detail sentences is related to supporting sentences, and concluding sentence re-emphasize the the topic sentence. In fact, there are four elements in a good paragraph - topic sentence, supporting sentences, detail sentences and concluding sentence. I hope that solves your problem.

What would try to identify when you're looking for details that strengthen the primary argument?

Supporting sentence

Would try to identify when you're looking for details that strengthen the primary argument?

Supporting sentence