Cervantes, contemporaneously with Old French aphorism; Cf. early 14th-cent. Fr. comparaisons sont haÿneuses, comparisons are hateful.
A person who understands everything is often referred to as omniscient or all-knowing.
A person who does not have all their fingers on one hand is typically referred to as having a partial hand or limb difference.
A whole person is someone who is balanced and integrated in all aspects of their being - mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It implies a state of well-being and wholeness where all parts of oneself are working harmoniously together.
Lived. All experience is either lived (actually experienced by the person) or vicariously experience by identification with another person.
Yes, it is possible. To achieve this, you need to eliminate the person in position m = n (the nth person). This ensures that all the bad guys will be eliminated before any of the good guys, as the circle will be "shifted" after each elimination.
The definition of the word "odious" is basically "disgusting". It is commonly used as an adjective to describe a feeling. An example sentence: "I will not tolerate John's odious nose bubble blowing habit one more second". Synonyms of the word "odious" are: gross, nasty, repugnant, repulsive, awful, horrid, revolting and rancid. That is not an all inclusive list. A good desk Thesaurus can produce more.
they all have bitches
You can find home loan comparisons almost anywhere. You can call or go online to compare. Almost all real estate websites have home loan comparisons.
A person could find comparisons of student savings account by individually evaluating different student saving accounts from different banks. Banks such as Bank of America, Chase, and Capital One all offer student saving accounts. By exploring the websites of these banks a person could compare student savings accounts.
When looking to compare Star Wars and Star Trek online a person could go to one of many forums dedicated to those movies. Raptr, Star Trek Online and Wikipedia all have comparisons of the two.
The first person is the person speaking. The second person is the one spoken to. The third person is the one spoken about. The similarity is that they are all persons.
There are all kinds of different companies out there that will offer comparisons on different printers. Some of the companies that will allow comparisons are: Hewlett Packard, Amazon, and LaserPrinter.
you all are stupid
That would all depend on what type of roofing you are looking for. You can check on firesmartroofing for some comparisons. But your best bet would be to ask locals what they have done and compare the answers.
One can find price comparisons for diesel generators online at: myshopping.com, homedepot.com, lowes.com, and amazon.com. All have comparison features to help make a choice.
There are a variety of companies that provide free comparisons between homeowner's insurance rates. Examples of such companies are All State, Nationwide, and Liberty Mutual.