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ANSWER: the two objects would have the same velocity, but since KE is proportional to mass, the heavier one would have more KE.

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... acceleration, and land at the same time, with equal speed.

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Q: A feather and a coin dropped in a vacuum fall with equal?
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Can a quarter and a feather fall at the same speed?

theoritically yes. if they are placed in a vacuum packed room with no air, just empty space, they can fall at the same rate. if they fell in air, the aerodynamics wouldn't equal out, so the quarter would fall faster.

Why the coin touches the ground first than a feather?

Air drag. They would fall at the same speed in a vacuum.

Why do a coin and feather in a vacuum tube fall with the same acceleration?

Because the acceleration gravity on Earth is constant, 9.86 m/sec^2.

In free falling resistance is more effective in slowing a feather than a coin why?

The feather is lighter and has wind resistance that the coin doesn't have.

Why does a coin fall down faster than a feather?

Because the feather has a massive amount of air resistance. The coin is small and dense, so it falls through the air much easier.

What has more mass a coin or feather?

It depends on the coin and feather, but probably a coin. To figure it out, you can divide the weight of each (in Newtons) by 9.81 (acceleration due to gravity) to find the masses, since Mass=(Force)*(Acceleration).

Why does a coin and a feather fall with different accelerations in the presence of air?

The structure of the feather makes it catch the air and fall more slowly than the coin. Refer to the related link for the Apollo 15 mission to the moon, which has no atmosphere, in which an astronaut drops a hammer and a feather at the same time.

Will an American coin float?

No, no US coin is light enough to float when dropped in water.

Why do some objects fall at different rates than other?

Objects fall through air at a different rate due to the amount of air resistance. Feathers or dandelion "parachutes" fall at a much slower pace than coins. However there is an experiment called "The coin and the feather". A glass tube about 6cm in diameter has a penny and a penny placed inside before the air is evacuated using a vacuum pump. The tube is then sealed. If the tube is held vertically the coin and feather are both at the bottom. If the tube is then swiftly inverted, so that what was bottom becomes top, the coin and feather are seen to fall at the same rate. Unbelievable unless you actually see it.

You almost get hit by a car and you drop one coin which rolls into the gutter What are the odds that you dropped a quarter?

This sounds like one of those trick questions. The way it is stated can be interpreted as "What are the odds that it was you who dropped the quarter?" in the odds are 1, since it is stated that you dropped a coin. If one interprets this as "What are the odds that the coin you dropped was a quarter?" then it is impossible to say, as we don't know what was in your pocket.

Why does a coin and a piece of paper fall differently in vacuum then in air?

In a vacuum, there is no drag, i.e. air resistance, so the coin and the piece of paper will fall the same way in a vacuum, whereas in air, the paper will flutter down while the coin will have minimal impediment due to its drag coefficient being far less than that of paper.

Why is a coin better than a note in Australia?

Coins help you in lots of ways instead of notes: 1. Just image you dropped a coin on the floor it would ring 2. If you dropped a note it would fly away 3. And if you had a coin it would be easy to find