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Sort of a Meteor is a part of an Asteroid, but it starts to burn up in entering the earths atmosphere

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Q: A meteor is an asteroid that has been captured by a planet's or a moon's gravity and has been pulled away from the sun's gravity true or false?
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What are the main forces acting on falling rock?

Gravity and air resistance.

Do meteors have surface gravity?

Yes they are. Every object that has mass follows the well known formulas of gravity. Comets are no exception. Their orbits around the sun are perfectly and completely described by the formulas of gravity.

What limits the speed of an object in outer space?

The speed of light, depending on how much momentum an object has. Nothing can surpass the speed of light. the Speed of light is exactly 186,282 miles per second, or 299,792,458 metres per second. Let's imagine a scenario. A meteor is racing through space at the speed of light. If said meteor were to crash into an object, then said meteor will lose most its momentum. As some of the kinetic energy from the meteor is transferred to the object it hit, another meteor, for example, then the first meteor should be travelling at a slower pace, where as the secondary meteor should now be travelling faster than before it got hit, unless of course, both meteors were travelling at the Speed of light, in which case, they should both be flung backwards at the same speed. To conclude, objects and the Speed of light limit the speed of an object in space.

What kind of feature might be formed on Earth if a large meteorite reached its surface?

A large meteor strike on the earth might cause a crateron the surface. If it struck the water, it may leave a bit of a crater in the sea floor, depending on the size and velocity and composition of the meteor and the depth of the sea where it impacted. If it hit land, there'd be a big "dent" in the ground where the missle and the blast of impact gouged it out.

You can think of a as a rule of nature?

The rule of nature is survival in time and essence of all cellular tissue, but the rule of nature is dictated by the evolution of the universal. Nature (if we refer to everything within our atmosphere) is subjected to that. The time component defines the dynamics and direction of laws like 'gravity', magnetism, radiation, ... . The defining and distillation of '1' needs an awareness, but being subjected to any entity does NOT require an awareness. Time combined with direction acts on dynamics through distillation of definable entities, whether it concerns chemistry, physics or any other science distilled by our awareness. If you think about it, you will find out that chemistry is subjected to physics, and only mathematics involve the perception of an awareness. Eg : A meteor does not have to be aware to be subjected to universal laws. The one which is coming to earth is the one our minds would be interested in, in order to preserve our species in time. Mathematics would sort out IF it is going to hit us. Before we know this meteor (space debree), it would exist in our anticipation capabilities of our imagination. Every math we could use, would be probability or chance. The meteor would be defined '1' in our imagination and '0' in our perception. Observation of a 1/1 chance hit meteor, would make the latter '0', '1'. Time (referred to as the 4th dimension), but could be stagged between every of the 10 single dimensions defined (so far, though many of them are imaginary dimensions), would indicate the calculation of dynamics in the effect of this meteor (when, how hard , where, ...). Conclusion : the rule of nature is direction in interaction, of which we only observe a part of, but are fully part of.

Related questions

A meteor is an asteroid that has been captured by a planets or a moons gravity and had been pulled away from the suns gravity true or false?

false, meters are asteroids in the earth atmosphere

What is bigger meteor or asteroid?


Why do planets look like a perfect circle from a distance?

It's part of the definition of "planet". An asteroid or meteor can have any shape, because its gravity isn't great enough to crush it into a mostly-spherical shape. But planets ARE massive enough that they have to be spherical; their gravity forces them into that shape. If their spin is fast enough, the equatorial regions will bulge out, such as with Earth and especially with Jupiter.

What are some differences between an asteroid and an meteor?

There isn't really any differences they are the same thing except an asteroid is MUCH MUCH bigger than a meteor, an asteroid is what killed off the dinos along time ago not a meteor. So say Jupiter and Pluto were a meteor, and a asteroid, Pluto wouold be the meteor and Jupiter would be the asteroid

What is an asteroid if it leaves its orbit?

a meteor

What is the difference between meteor meteorid and asteroid?

There is no difference between the name meteor and meteorid and meteorite but the real difference of an asteroid and a meteor is well meteors move really fast around space and an asteroid they just kinda stay there thats why they call it an asteroid field cyndaquil831 is out

Which object in our solar system has the least gravity?

Either a dust speck in the asteroid belt or in the Kuyper belt.

What burns up before it hit the earths surface meteor or asteroid?

A meteor.

Is an asteroid a meteor that strikes earth surface?

No. A meteor that gets to the ground is a meteoroid. An Asteroid is an orbiting body between Mars ans Jupiter.

What is a rock in space called?


Why do the outer planets have rings?

They get a different kind of gravity that far away from the sun. They can also get meteor pieces that have fallen of comets that we can not get, because we get too much of the sun's gravity.

What is the name of the fallen asteroid?

The name is meteor.