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size of pupil becomes larger when you see in dim light

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dheeraj diyaa

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Q: A) Size of pupil becomes __________________when you see in dim light?
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Why do the pupil contracts and expands?

In dim light, your pupil expands. In bright light, your pupil contracts. Your pupil contracts in bright light because not as much light is needed to see. Same thing with dim light, your pupil expands in dim light because there is more light needed to see. Because there is not as much light in a closet than in an open field your pupil contracts and expands to let in more light or let in less light, depending on were you are at and how dark it is.

What happened to your pupil in dim light?

They get bigger.

What part of the eye is sensitive to dim light?

the pupil

Why do eyes need bright and dim light?

Eyes do not need bright and dim light - although the iris (colored part of the eye) and pupil (black center of the eye) function differently under these circumstances. In bright light, the muscles in the iris contract to make the pupil smaller. In dim light, the iris makes the pupil enlarge to allow as much of the scarce light as possible.

What controls the light going into eye?

The pupil controls the amount of light that enters the eye.

What part of eye makes the pupil smaller in bright light and larger in dim light?


Why objects in dim light are seen more clearly from the corner of the eye?

because the iris allows you to see in dim light

When a light is in your eye does you pupil go bigger or smaller?

Smaller because the eye is protecting it's self from the light

How does the iris adjust to the amount of light that enter he?

The iris is a muscle located behind the cornea of the eye. It adjusts the size of the pupil to control the amount of light entering the eye. In bright light, the iris contracts to make the pupil smaller, limiting the amount of light that reaches the retina. In low light, the iris relaxes, making the pupil larger to allow more light into the eye.

How is the Nerve impulse responsible for the pupil becoming smaller?

Pupil is a window for the light to enter our eyes. When we are in a dim light a nerve impulse is generated to the brain to enlarge the pupil. Size of pupil is managed by the iris (coloured part of the eye). If excessive light is there, the pupil shrinks to a smaller size so that the eye's not damaged esp. the retina where the image of objects are formed

What reason will your pupils dilate at night?

When there is insufficient lights. Pupil will dilates so as to see better in dim light.

How and why does your pupil change in size?

The pupil of your eye changes (growing bigger and smaller) to control light entering the eye. This allows you to see in both bright and dim light. The muscles that control the size of the pupil are called sphincter pupillae and dilator pupillae. Your pupil increases in size when there is little to no light present, and decreases in size when more light becomes available.