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Yes, all three forms of radiation are present in the sun. Alpha particles are simply helium atoms, and helium is being formed constantly by the fusion of hydrogen, although this is not considered alpha radiation as it is not involving radioactive decay. Beta radiation is high energy electrons, which are likely to be present in the sun. And finally, gamma rays are emitted during the process of fusion. However, the vast majority are absorbed within the Sun's core and therefore do no radiate from the Sun.

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Q: Are alpha beta or gamma emitted by the sun?
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What are particles that move quickly away from the sun's surface?

Photon energy is emitted from the sun in the form of light. Also Alpha and Beta Radiation particles, these are nuclear in nature and do not reach past earths upper atmosphere.

What is the matter emitted by the sun called?

Various things are emitted byt the sun - light and heat are the best known but other electromagnetic waves such as gamma rays are also emitted. Theoretically gravitons are sent out too

Can gamma rays make sun burns?

no they cant because gamma rays are waves and are so powerful they can simply go right through you without causing you to much harm. beta can be fatal and so can alpha if given in a large quantity inside someone.

Where does the sun get its gamma rays from?

The sun is essentially a massive atomic bomb which is taking billions of years to explode. The gamma rays are emitted through a very complex process that converts hydrogen into helium.

What kind of energy is given off from nuclear fusion reaction and from a nuclear fission reaction?

Besides heat and light ? Pure radiation (gamma rays) and particles: alpha, beta, and neutrons (and neutrinos - we think {none actually detected yet except from the sun}).

What kind of rays are emitted by sun?

Visible light, Ultra-violet, Infra-red, Gamma-rays and X-rays (amongst others)

What the energy from the sun?

There are many different wavelengths of energy emitted by our Sun: Heat (infra-red) Ultra violet light Visible light Gamma rays Radio waves X-rays and more.

Regulus is it the 20 brightest star or not?

Regulus is not in the 20th brightest stars as seen from Earth. It is the 22nd brightest star, 23nd if you include the sun.In terms of absolute magnitude it is way down the list, there are many hundrededs of catalogued stars more luminous.List of brightest stars and (apparent magnitude.)Sun (-26.74)Sirius, Alpha Canus Magoris (-1.46)Canopus, Alpha Carinae (-0.72)Arcturus, Alpha Bootes (-0.04 variable)Alpha Centauri A (-0.01)Vega, Alpha Lyrae (0.03)Rigel, Beta Orionis (0.18)Procyon, Alpha Canus Minoris (0.34)Achernar, Alpha Eridani (0.50)Betelgeuse, Alpha Orionis (0.58 variable)Hadar, Beta Centauri (0.60)Capella A, Alpha Aurigae A (0.71)Altair, Alpha Aquilae (0.77)Aldebaran, Alpha Tauri (0.85 variable)Capella B, Alpha Aurigae B (0.96)Spica, Alpha Virginis (1.04)Antares, Alpha Scorpii (1.09)Pollox, Beta Geminorum (1.15)Fomalhault, Alpha Piscis Austrini (1.16)Deneb, Alpha Cigni (1.25)Mimosa, Beta Crucis (1.30)Alpha Centauri B (1.33)Regulus, Alpha Leonis (1.35)Acrux A, Alpha Crucis A (1.40)Adara, Epslion Canis Majoris (1.51)Gacrux, Gamma Crucis (1.63)

Is the suns rays gamma rays?

No, the Sun mostly emits visible light rays. A small amount of gamma rays might be emitted, but they would be insignificant. Inside the Sun, gamma rays are produced but they never escape in that form. The super-heated gases around the sun in the chromosphere emit mostly higher energy xrays, UV rays but also some gamma rays. Natural gamma rays sources are thought to be the most energetic events in the Universe. Although Supernovae seem to be the source of some, others are still somewhat mysterious.

Charged particles emitted by the sun into space?

''Charged particles emitted by the sun'' into space is called solar wind.

How does the radiation emitted from the sun differ from the radiation emitted by earth?

In fact, radiations are reflected by earth but not emitted.

How long does it take Alpha Centauri to orbit the sun?

Alpha Centauri does not orbit the sun.