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Electrons are smaller in mass, but equal to protons in charge, although with the opposite charge, and bigger than neutrons in charge.

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Q: Are elections bigger or smaller then neutrons and protons?
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Is a electron smaller than a neutron?

No, protons and neutrons are in the nucleus and the electrons orbit around the nucleus. This all happens inside the atom.

Why do scientists say that mostt of the mass of an atom is located in the nucleus?

The masses of protons and neutrons are on the order of 1x10-27 kg. The mass of an electron is on the order of 1x10-30 kg. So protons and neutrons, the particles found in a nucleus, weigh around 1000 times as much as the electrons outside the nucleus. So take helium-4 for example: 2 protons, 2 neutrons, and 2 electrons. Its nucleus is around 2000 times more massive than its two electrons. The term "concentrated" is also worth noting. Atoms are much, much, much bigger than their nuclei. A good analogy I often use for this is that if you put a penny in the middle of Giant's stadium, the atom would be the size of the stadium and the penny would be the size of a nucleus. A more specific example would be that the nucleus of a carbon atom has a radius of around 2x10-15 m, and the radius of a carbon atom is around 8x10-11 m. So the nucleus is 40,000 times smaller than the atom.

Do bigger or smaller objects travel further when fired from a catapult?

Answer #1:smaller===================Answer #2:Bigger.

Does the sum of the protons in an atom equal the sum of the electrons?

Protons minus neutrons doesn't mean anything in chemistry. Protons plus neutrons gives the mass number. Protons minus electrons gives you the charge of an atom(ion). The number of protons are equal to the number of electrons in a neutral atom and the proton number is equivalent to the atomic number.

Is there anything smaller than a neutrino?

Depends what you mean by "smaller." The mass of a photon is smaller than even that of a neutrino. At a sub-atomic level, concepts like "volume" or "size" become almost meaningless, so it is difficult to say whether the "size" of a neutrino is greater or less than that of, say, an electron.

Related questions

Are electrons bigger than protons neutrons?

No they're smaller than protons and electrons

Are electrons bigger than neutrons and protons?

Electrons are 1,836 times lighter than protons. A proton is 99.8% the mass of a neutron

Are protons bigger than neutrons?

Yes, neutrons are larger than protons.

How are neutrons and protons different?

Protons are positively charged and neutrons are neutral.

How many protons and neutrons are bigger than electrons in sodium?

All If "bigger" refers to mass, then all protons or neutrons are bigger than electrons, regardless of the element.

What are bigger than protons and neutrons?


What is the difference from a proton and a neutron?

Neutrons are slightly bigger than protons, and have a neutral (or no) charge while protons have a positive charge.

Who is the smallest electron neutron proton or alpha particle?

Protons and neutrons are the same size relatively, and are bigger than alpha particles and electrons; but, electrons are smaller than alpha particles.

What is bigger atomic mass or atomic number?

Atomic no.=no. of protons Atomic Mass=no. of protons+no. of neutrons Hence, atomic mass is greater

What is bigger an atom number or a mass number?

Atomic number = number of protons or electrons (in a neutral atom) Mass number: sum of protons and neutrons The mass number is bigger.

Is an oxygen atom bigger than a hydrogen atom?

An oxygen atom has 8 of each neutrons, electrons, and protons. While a carbon atom has only 6 of each. I had the same problem! So i hope this helped :)

What is bigger the atomic mass or atomic number?

Atomic no.=no. of protons Atomic mass=no. of protons+no. of neutrons Hence, atomic mass is greater