

Are gas particles fast

Updated: 8/11/2023
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8y ago

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The speed of gas particles is a function of the mass of the individual gas molecules and the (absolute) temperature. How "fast" they are therefore depends on how hot and heavy they are: hotter means faster and heavier means slower. (Technically, it's the root-mean-square speed that depends on those factors; an individual gas particle may be significantly faster or slower than the root-mean-square speed.)

Because "fast" is a relative term, an actual number may be helpful. Oxygen molecules at STP have an RMS velocity of around 460 meters per second. This is indeed pretty fast on a human scale; it's a little over a thousand miles per hour.

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becausse the particles in gas are far apart.

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Why are gas particles fast?

Gas particles are fast because they have a higher amount of kinetic energy than those found in the liquid or solid state.

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Gas particles move very fast because the particles are separated and have enough space to move around.

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Technically, all particles in a Solid, Liquid, or Gas are moving. But a gas moves the fastest, liquid fast, but not as fast as gas, and solid moves the slowest.

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In a gas particles are spread out so much that they are independent. The particles move fast.

Does a gas have fast moving particles?

Yes, they do that is why we smell farts so fast

What happens when the gas particles are moving fast to its energy and its temperature?

exerting lots of kinetic energy into gas particles speeds up the collision theory

How is the movement of particles in a gas differ from the movement of particles in liquid?

I think the reason why is that the particles in a gas move freely and they move fast. Therefor the particles in a liquid slide past eachother and the reason why that they're differ from eachoth is because a gas and a liquid are differ from eachother like an example, They particles in a gas heat up and move freely