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Q: Are matter and energy together are always conserved true or false?
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When metamorphic rock melts and turns into lava is matter conserved?

Yes, this is a simple physical change and matter is always conserved in these. In fact, matter is always conserved except in nuclear reactions where the sum of matter and energy is conserved.

Must energy always be conserved?

Matter and energy are always converted due to the theory of relativity.

Is matter and energy conserved in a food web?

Matter and total energy are ALWAYS conserved. However, in a food web, you will often consider the USABLE energy; this gets reduced at each step of the food web.

When momentum can be conserved?

Momentum is always conserved. No matter what the collision, as long as you look at everything involved, momentum will always be conserved.

When you throw a matter from a height why mechanical energy is not conserved?

When you throw matter from a height, mechanical energy is not conserved by you, but it is by the matter. You are exerting mechanical energy to throw the object, and the matter is conserving it by not having to do any work to move.

Based on the theory of relativity what must be conserved?

energy and matter

What happens to matter and energy during a chemical reaction?


What is conserved when one balances a chemical equation?

Mass (Matter) and Energy is conserved during a Chemical equation

Can you convert matter into energry?

Sort of. That's a common explanation for what happens in a nuclear reaction. But technically, both matter and energy are conserved - there is no more or less matter after the reaction, than before the reaction. Therefore, in such cases there is no matter-to-energy conversion. Read the Wikipedia article on "Mass deficit" or "Binding energy" for a more detailed explanation. There's no sort of about it. The meaning of Einstein's equation (E = mc2) is that matter and energy are interconvertible, and this happens all the time. What is conserved is mass-energy. Mass and energy are not conserved separately.

How is matter and energy conserved in a chemical reaction?

The reactant's/reactants' energy is rarely every seen in the products.

Is it true that substances can be neither created nor destroyed?

It depends on what you accept as 'being destroyed'. The only thing that is conserved is the matter/energy constant. Matter can be converted into an equivalent amount of energy. Some people would consider this 'being destroyed' but the amount of energy is always the same.

When matter changes state what two things are always conserved?

Mass and chemical composition