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Yes because the consumers like mice and antelopes eat the producers (plants, example: grass flowers) and the producers don't eat anything. They make energy from sunlight ( basically growing, plants use sunlight to grow).

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Q: Are organisms at the bottom of the energy pyramid always producers?
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Why are consumers at the bottom of the food chain?

Producers are placed at the bottom of the food chain because the do not eat other living organisms and instead get their energy though the sun.

What is always at the bottom of the energy pyramid?

Usually Producers are at the bottom of the energy pyramid such as Grass, Fungi, dead leaves, ect.

What is always at the bottom of an energy pyramid?

Usually Producers are at the bottom of the energy pyramid such as Grass, Fungi, dead leaves, ect.

Why is the bottom part of the energy pyramid the largest?

The bottom part of energy pyramid consists of producers, hence it is largest. All the other organisms depend on primary producers for their energy requirement directly or indirectly.

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Would green algae be found at the top of an energy pyramid?

No, autotrophic producers are always at the bottom of an energy pyramid.

Organisms at the bottom of the pyramid produce enough energy to support the entire ecosystem through?

Producers do it by using photosynthesis.

Where is the most energy in the pyramid?

The producers are found at the bottom. They contain the most amount of energy and the energy is transferred to other organisms in the food pyramid. [Consumers].

Which level of a energy pyramid has the greatest number of organisms?

Large predators such as bears, lions, sharks, and humans.

What trophic levels is at the base of each energy pyramid?

Usually Producers are at the bottom of the energy pyramid such as Grass, Fungi, dead leaves, ect.

Look at the food web below. Which organisms would be at the bottom of the energy pyramid for this ecosystem?

Grass and wheat ( Apex)

Organism at the bottom of an energy pyramid are always?

producers because they produce their own food. producers are always plants because plants perform photosynthesis and produce their own food