

Are ultraviolet rays violet in color?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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Our eyes can't see ultraviolet light, so it has no color.

The highest frequency our eyes can see is violet, and ultraviolet is above that frequency. The name ultraviolet just means "above violet."

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No. 'Ultra'-violet is higher frequency, higher energy,

shorter wavelength than visible violet.

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Are you seeing ultraviolet rays when you see ultraviolet light?

no, because ultraviolet rays are just above seeing and with ultraviolet lights, you see a more violet color.

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ultra violet rays Actually, it's spelled ultraviolet rays.

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UV is invisible to humans. There are no ultraviolet colors.

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Ultra violet light starts just above the visible violet.

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The next name of wavelengths longer than ultraviolet rays is "violet light".

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says it in the name mate. VIOLET

What is an ultraviolet ray?

You cannot see ultraviolet rays, you can only see electromagnetic waves that are within the visible light spectrum; therefore it does not have a color. It is simply referred to as ultraviolet because its respective band on the EM spectrum lies above our visible violet frequencies.

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-- ultraviolet -- X-rays -- gamma rays

What colour is an Ultraviolet ray?

You cannot see ultraviolet rays, you can only see electromagnetic waves that are within the visible light spectrum; therefore it does not have a color. It is simply referred to as ultraviolet because its respective band on the EM spectrum lies above our visible violet frequencies.

What is next to ultraviolet in the light spectrum?

Starting at ultraviolet, longer waves are waves of visible violet light, and shorter waves are X-rays.

What is the area behind the color violet called?

The next frequency, shorter than violet, is called ultraviolet, or UV for short.

How do clothe changes its color in sunlight?

It is bleached by the ultraviolet rays in the sunlight.