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The most obvious examples are vaporization of a liquid when the pressure is lowered.

For example, if you release the fuel in a disposable lighter, the liquid butane becomes a gas when it reaches the lower pressure of the atmosphere.

You can demonstrate this with water by putting it in a syringe, closing the end, and rapidly pulling out the plunger. The water will actually bubble and boil at room temperature.

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11y ago

The air pressure highers of lowers the temerature which can freeze, melt, or do other thigs to matter.

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Q: Can a pressure change cause a phase change?
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Change in temperature or pressure/volume.

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The change in pressure is highly affected by altitude.

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No, the temperature does not change during a phase change. It remains constant until all the substance has undergone the phase change.

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In order to change a liquid to a gas, it has to reach its boiling point, which depends on the pressure.

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A gas is most likely to change to the liquid phase when the pressure on the gas is increased. This is because the same number of molecules will have less space to occupy.

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no becuse of the sterotypes it as lol

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The change in phase is called evaporation. It can be caused by heating or by a change in air pressure.