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Yes, sound can travel through most mediums effectively, as long as the amplitude and frequency of the sound wave is great enough.

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3mo ago

Yes, sound can travel through honey, but it will be slower than in air or water due to honey's viscous nature. The sugar content in honey can also affect the speed at which sound travels through it.

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Where do sound waves travel through?

Sound waves travel through a medium, such as air, water, or solids. In air, sound waves create vibrations that travel through molecules in the form of pressure waves. These waves carry the sound energy and allow the sound to be heard by our ears.

How fast can sound travel through a vacuum?

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum as it needs a medium, such as air, water, or solid material, to propagate. In a vacuum, there are no particles for sound waves to travel through, so the speed of sound is essentially zero.

What materials will sound travel through?

Sound waves will travel through gases, liquids, and solids. Sound waves cannot pass through a vacuum.

Why does the sound not travel through vacuum?

Sound waves require a medium, such as air, water, or a solid material, to travel because they propagate through the vibration of molecules in that medium. In a vacuum, there are no molecules for the sound waves to interact with, so they cannot travel through it.

Can sound travel easily through a vacuum?

No, sound cannot travel through a vacuum because sound waves require a medium, such as air, water, or solid materials, to propagate. In a vacuum, there is no medium for the sound waves to travel through, so they cannot propagate.

Why does sound travel?

it travels through sound

Sound waves do not travel through what?

Sound waves do not travel through a vacuum. They require a medium, such as air, water, or solids, to propagate. In a vacuum, there are no particles for the sound waves to interact with and thus cannot travel.

Why can't sound travel easily through some materials?

Sound needs a medium to travel. It cannot travel through a vaccum.

What can't sound travel through and why?

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum because it requires a medium, such as air, water, or a solid material, to propagate. In a vacuum, there are no molecules for sound waves to travel through, so the vibrations cannot be transmitted.

What does sound need to travel through?

Sound (and vibration) are a wave system of sequential compressions and rarefactions of a material. These waves are mechanical and do need a substance through which to travel. They cannot travel through a vacuum.

What do Sound wave not travel?

Sound wave do not travel through vaccum as it need medium to travel.

Does sound travel?

Yes, sound is a wave and it travels when there is a medium for it to travel through.