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im not sure if its a solid because the keep a constant shape.

im thinking about maybe plasma but dont trust me.

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Without more information on what you are looking for, there are multiple possibilities:

1. A Solid (most general)

2. A Crystalline Structure (more specific)

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Q: Densely packed arrangements of particles that take the shape of their containers are?
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Densely packed arrangement of particles that take the shape of their container?

liquids because water and other liquids take shapes of their containers

Are the particles of a gas packed closely together so that they don't have as much movement as the particles of a solid or liquid?

In a gas, the particles are much less densely packed than the particles of a solid or liquid, and consequently they move much more freely.

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The particles on the moon are densely packed and only small amounts of the particles fly up and away as dust.

What does densely packed together mean?

densely means to collide and packed together means to be close. so put it together "collided and close".

What is a naturally made solid that has a regular arrangement of particles?

Crystals, for one. Densely packed carbon, like diamond, have a rigid, extremely long chain of molecules.

Why do you feel weightlessness in water?

because the particles are more densely packed in water so they support you more and hold some of your weight, making you feel weightless

What happens to particles when they expand?

well usually they turn to a liquid first. But essentialy they become more energetic and as a result become less densely packed and depending on the environment will rise

Would a gas liquid or solid be most affected by the volume of its container?

Matter can exist in one of three main states: solid, liquid, or gas.Solid matter is composed of tightly packed particles. A solid will retain its shape; the particles are not free to move around.Liquid matter is made of more loosely packed particles. It will take the shape of its container. Particles can move about within a liquid, but they are packed densely enough that volume is maintained.Gaseous matter is composed of particles packed so loosely that it has neither a defined shape nor a defined volume. A gas can be compressed.

How are particles arranged in solid and gas?

the particle arrangements of a liquid is that the particles and atoms are a bit separated from each other. In a solid, they are closely packed together. In a gas they have no particular particle arrangement and are very far apart.

Does sound travel faster through molecules that are far apart?

No. Sound waves travel fastest through mediums that have tighter or more densely packed molecules. Longitudinal waves need a conductor (i.e. molecule) to transmit sound. The closer the molecules are, the faster a sound wave is able to pass from one to another. Therefore, sound travels fastest through solid mediums (densely packed molecules), then liquids (less densely packed), then gases (least densely packed).

Why are fast moving air molecules more likely to migrate upward than downward?

The particles are less densely packed, so the mass is spread over a greater area. Therefore, if other gases around it have a heavier they will force the lighter particles higher.

Why are fast-moving air molecules more likely to migrate upward than downward?

The particles are less densely packed, so the mass is spread over a greater area. Therefore, if other gases around it have a heavier they will force the lighter particles higher.