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No. They were traveling faster than the sound waves which the aircraft created. Only people on the ground heard the sonic boom.

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Q: Did passengers on the Concorde hear its sonic boom?
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Why do you have to hear where the sonic boom is?

Because you do

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sonic boom

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Do you hear a sonic boom when an object breaks the sound barrier?

Yes, if you're close by

What is heard when something moves faster than the speed sound?

You hear a sonic boom

Would the pilot of an airplane breaking the sound barrier hear a sonic boom?

No, the pilot does not hear the pressure wave that causes the boom when he is going faster than the speed of sound.

When a plane flying over us exceeds the speed of sound we hear an energy release called a sonic?

Those are ultra sonic planes. There is a sonic boom if it is traveling with sound speed.

We hear a sonic boom just at the moment a supersonic plane flies directly overhead True Or False?


Exposing the human body to a sonic boom what will happen?

You just hear a loud sound. IF you were close enough then it might deafen you.

Why does an sonic boom happen?

because when something goes so fast the air does not have time to move out of the way, so it makes a shooting a gun...thats what you hear the boom from.

Which would you hear first-the crach of a gun fired or the bullet's sonic boom?

If they are at the same distance, you should hear them together. The speed of sound would be the same in both cases.