It would depend if it is really fat or muscle. If it is fat, then it is actually oil, and oil is less dense than water and floats. (Just try pooring olive oil in a glass). However, muscle, bone, and other tissues are either denser than water or not less dense enough to have much boyancy. Since it's really density, not weight, that matters, it also makes a difference how much air is in the floater's lungs. Lastly, it depends on the water. In the salt-rich Dead Sea, for example, basically everyone can float. But in some areas with desolved gas, such as the Bermuda Triangle, sudden changes in density had been known to even sink ships. In a nutshell: You float if you are less dense (density=weight/volume) than water, or another fluid. Fat will make you less dense, muscle is hevier then fat and will either not help or make you sink more.
Objects will float better in rubbing alcohol than in water because rubbing alcohol has a lower density than water. This means that objects will displace less liquid in rubbing alcohol, making it easier for them to float.
Your body fat has a lot to do with how well you will float but basically people can and do float. I personally don't float very well but with air in my lungs and on my back I float easily. Basically, it's because we are more dense than water. By breathing in air, our density becomes less than that of water and we begin to float. This is how people can stay afloat and how people can drown.
Objects float better in salt water compared to tap water because salt water is denser than freshwater. The higher density of salt water provides more buoyant force, making it easier for objects to float.
An object that is less dense than water will float the best. The shape and size of the object can also affect how well it will float. Objects that are designed to displace a large amount of water will float better than objects with smaller surface areas.
Eggs will float better in saltwater because the salt makes the water denser, causing the egg to float more easily. In freshwater, the egg may sink or not float as readily due to the lower density of the water.
Yeah, suprisingly they do cause our body has oxygen in it, so no matter what shape or size, you will float... sumo wrestlers are fatter so they have more oxygen in them, they probably float better than skinny people
Probably better skinny than obese. In most cases they can cure the problem.
Hydrogen is lighter than helium. So hydrogen balloon will float better than helium.
helium is less dense than air. :) so helium will float better than air
No, cubes do not float better in water than spheres. Objects float based on their density and volume, not their shape. If a cube and a sphere have the same density and volume, they will float in water in the same manner.
Cause people float cause of the oxygen in their blood and fat floats so even if you are extremely skinny you still some have some fat.
Hmm, well in my opinion out of the whole world, I think skinny, but alot of people are big, but i see alot of skinny people.
There is no such thing. Everyone has their own preference on the type of woman they desire.
Honey, you'll look better with bowlegged legs in skinny jeans than with normal legs!