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Many factors affect the actual change in temperature, not the least of which is the mass of each object. If one of the objects is very massive in relation to the other, it may cobtain more heat than the smaller one, even if the smaller one has a higher temperature to start with. Answer

I agree but for a different reason. Even if the objects are of identical size and mass, it seems there will be substantial loss of entropic heat, and I'm guessing that the hotter of the two will experience more loss of entropic heat than the cooler one. So the temperature changes are not likely to be the same.

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2mo ago

Yes, when objects reach thermal equilibrium they have the same temperature. This means that there is no net flow of heat between the objects, and they have reached a balanced state where their temperatures are equal.

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11y ago

OK, let's see an example. Two objects of the same mass and same material (for simplicity) have temperatures of 50° and 60°, respectively. When heat is transferred between them, they may have temperatures of, say, 51° and 59°; later 52° and 58°, etc.; this will continue until they have the same temperature. But if they only have contact for a brief time, they will not necessarily have the same temperature - it needs a certain time for the temperatures to become equal.

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12y ago

yes, they do.

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Q: Do objects have the same temperature at thermal equilibrium?
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What is it called when two objects at different temperature reach the same temperature?

It is called thermal equilibrium. At thermal equilibrium, the two objects have the same temperature and there is no net flow of heat between them.

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When all objects in a system are at the same temperature, they are said to be in thermal equilibrium. This means that there is no net transfer of heat energy between the objects, and their temperatures are equalized. Thermal equilibrium is a key principle of thermodynamics.

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No, energy does not transfer when both objects are at thermal equilibrium because there is no temperature difference between them. At thermal equilibrium, the objects are at the same temperature, so there is no net flow of heat energy between them.

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When two objects have the same temperature and there is no longer a transfer of energy between them, it is called thermal equilibrium. At this point, the heat transfer stops and the objects are said to be in a state of thermal balance.

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Yes, thermal equilibrium means that two objects are at the same temperature and there is no net flow of heat between them.

Two objects are in thermal equilibrium if they?

have the same temperature and there is no net heat transfer between them.

What does thermal equilibrium mean?

Thermal equilibrium is a state where two objects have reached the same temperature and there is no net heat transfer between them. In thermal equilibrium, the thermal energy is evenly distributed between the two objects.

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Thermal equilibrium is the state in which no thermal energy is transferred between objects because they are at the same temperature. This means that the rate of heat transfer between the objects is equal and there is no net transfer of thermal energy between them.

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When two objects at the same temperature are in contact, no heat will transfer between them as there is no temperature difference driving the heat transfer. This is known as thermal equilibrium, where the objects reach a balance in their thermal energies.

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The point at which the net flow of thermal energy between two objects at the same temperature is zero is when they reach thermal equilibrium. At this point, both objects are at the same temperature and there is no longer a temperature difference to drive heat transfer between them.

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the same

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Thermal equilibrium is achieved when two objects at different temperatures are placed in contact with each other, and heat transfer occurs between them until they reach the same temperature. This occurs because heat transfer will continue until the thermal energy is evenly distributed among the objects, leading to a balance in temperature.