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Yes! Particles and atoms and ever larger assemblages of atoms. All this is a consequence of quantum mechanics.

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Some quantum theories suggest that particles can briefly appear and disappear due to quantum fluctuations in the vacuum. This phenomenon is known as "quantum fluctuation" and has been supported by various experiments. However, it is important to note that these virtual particles cannot be directly observed and have a very short existence.

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What do physicists mean by vacuum?

In physics, the vacuum refers to a space devoid of matter or particles. It is characterized by very low pressure and density, approaching a state of absolute emptiness. Quantum mechanics describes the vacuum as a sea of virtual particles that continually pop in and out of existence.

What did James Chadwick use to discover neutrons?

James Chadwick used a series of experiments involving alpha particles and beryllium to discover neutrons in 1932. By observing the scattering of these particles, he was able to infer the existence of neutrons, which are electrically neutral particles found in the nucleus of atoms.

What does the brownian motion tells us about the particles of matter?

Brownian motion shows that particles of matter are in constant random motion due to collisions with surrounding molecules. This helps us understand the kinetic nature of particles and their behavior in fluids. It also provides evidence for the existence of atoms and molecules.

What are the two processes that provide evidence for the particulate theory of matter?

The processes of diffusion and Brownian motion provide evidence for the particulate theory of matter. Diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, showing that particles are in constant motion. Brownian motion is the random movement of particles in a fluid due to collisions with other particles, confirming the existence of particles making up matter.

How is Brownian motion an indirect proof of the existence of atoms?

Brownian motion, where particles exhibit random movement due to collisions with surrounding molecules, was explained by Albert Einstein in 1905 using the kinetic theory of gases. This movement is a result of atoms and molecules constantly colliding, lending indirect evidence to their existence by observing the random motion of particles in a fluid. Since the random motion aligns with what is predicted by the kinetic theory, it indirectly supports the existence of atoms and molecules as fundamental building blocks of matter.

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How is the existence of the neutrino confirmed?

Actually, we can't even confirm the existence of atoms, let alone subatomic particles. But when scientists conduct experiments, they come to the conclusion that the particles are indeed valid. The more discrete physics becomes, the more theoretical it is.

What did Thomsons experiments prove?

Thomson's experiments with cathode rays proved the existence of negatively charged particles, which he called electrons. This discovery provided evidence for the existence of subatomic particles and laid the foundation for the development of the modern atomic theory.

What do physicists mean by vacuum?

In physics, the vacuum refers to a space devoid of matter or particles. It is characterized by very low pressure and density, approaching a state of absolute emptiness. Quantum mechanics describes the vacuum as a sea of virtual particles that continually pop in and out of existence.

What observations led scientists to propose the existence of subatomic particles?

Atoms were found to be divisible after all . But scientists discovered that the atoms were made of smller perticles , called subatomic particles.

What happens when gas particles bump into something?

They pop and explote make the gas chemicals to spread...

What experimental results support the existence of gravity particles?

There is no such experiments yet because of the range of energy which should be used.

Who predicted the existence of atoms?

The ancient Greeks, specifically Leucippus and Democritus, are credited with predicting the existence of atoms. They proposed that all matter is made up of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms.

Do vinegar and pop explode?

not unless its in confined space = vinegar tries to break down the particles in soda.

How the life come to existence?

There is a belief that many small particles of matter in nature made living organisms ie : humans .

Who proposed the existence of neutron and what was the basis of his assumption?

The existence of the neutron was proposed by James Chadwick in 1932. His assumption was based on his experiments involving the bombardment of beryllium with alpha particles, which resulted in the emission of a previously unknown neutral particle that he identified as the neutron.

What particles did jj Thomson discover?

J.J. Thomson discovered the electron in 1897 while conducting experiments with cathode rays. This discovery was groundbreaking as it provided evidence for the existence of subatomic particles.

Can your existence in spacetime be attributed to an equilibrium between atomic particles leaving and arriving to your world just like a saturated solution?
