

Do things fall at the same speed?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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9y ago

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Well it really depends on several factors that have to be just right in order for two objects to fall at the same speed or rate.

The three main factors needed to calculate the speed at which two objects fall are Time(t) Velocity(v) and Rate of Acceleration.

The formula used to calculate is:

Acceleration= v-u/t (the v-u is change in velocity)

The reason different objects accelerate the same (when you can ignore air resistance!) is because an object with more mass has more weight, but it also has more inertia.
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11y ago

All objects fall at the same rate, which is the acceleration due to gravity, when air resistance can be cancelled out. Galileo proved this phenomenon in the 17th century by dropping balls of the same material but different masses from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. They landed at the same time. The size of the objects does not matter. A 1kg rock will fall at the same rate as a 10kg rock and, if started at the same height, will land at the exact same time. Even a feather and a ball-bearing will fall at the same rate and land at the same time in a vacuum, where there is no air resistance.

Refer to the related link to observe a You Tube video about falling objects.

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9y ago

In the absence of an atmosphere, all objects will fall with the same acceleration. If two objects of different mass begin with zero velocity and are released at the same time, they will fall at the same speed.

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