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495-570nm is Green light 570-590 is Yellow light 620-750 is Red Light, and anything past 750 is invisible to most of us.

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Q: Does 570nm of electromagnetic frequency is invisible in your eyes?
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What is the difference between red radiation and infra red radiation?

Both are electromagnetic waves. The frequency is different, therefore, also the energy and the wavelength are different. Red is part of the visible spectrum - the range of electromagnetic waves we can see. Infrared is invisible for our eyes.

Does gamma ray have negative charge?

Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, essentially just a high-frequency form of light invisible to human eyes. Like all light, gamma rays do not carry any electrical charge.

What is the light you can detect with your eyes?

Visible light - electromagnetic waves in the frequency range 430 to 770 teraHz.

How is light you see with your eyes different from the other forms of electromagnetic waves such as x-rays and radio waves?

Visible light falls on the range of the electromangetic spectrum which is the appropriate wavelength to be detected by the eye. The difference between visible light and invisible light is simply its energy (wavelength or frequency)

What type of electromagnetic radiation is used in night vision glasses?

Infra-red light. Invisible to human eyes, but relatively easy to generate, focus, and detect.

What is Difference between optical communication and microwave communication?

Only the frequency of the communications carrier. Microwaves are electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range of 3 gigahertz to 300 gigahertz. Electromagnetic radiation above those frequencies are considered "optical" even though you can see only a small percentage of them with your eyes.

Why can only human see part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

The frequency of light that the sun gives off most is in the visible spectrum. Over the evolution of humans and animals, this is the frequency our eyes have grown accustomed to. It's

Which colour has the minimum frequency?

Of the colors of visible light, that would be red. Note that there are electromagnetic waves with an even lower frequency - for example, infrared - but those are not visible to human eyes.

What are electromagnetic frequencies to which are eyes are sensitive?

Electromagnetic waves of different frequency are called by different names since they have different sources and effects on matter. In order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength these are: radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays.

What radiations can humans see?

We detect electromagnetic radiation in a narrow band of frequencies that we call "visible light" with our eyes. We can feel a broader spectrum of electromagnetic radiation that we call "heat". (There are some overlaps.) We can build tools that detect ANY frequency of electromagnetic radiation, and display that in any format we select.

What would cause a buzzing sound on your radio when you turn on your low-voltage accent lights under your kitchen cabinet?

Electromagnetic interference. Remember that light is electromagnetic radiation. Radio waves are nothing more than a different "color" of light (albeit a color which is invisible to our human eyes).

Can humans detect visible light?

Answer is simply yes , human eyes is only sensitive to the visible light at the electromagnetic spectrum , however there is a different in wavelength and the frequency depending on the color of the visible light