

Best Answer

No ... it's physical properties hasn't changed, only its apparent shape.

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Q: Does a crushed can weigh less than one not crushed?
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Will an astronaut weigh more or less than the moon?

Less - since the gravity on the moon is about one-sixth of that on Earth.

How much does one bundle of green onions weigh?

less than a half pound

Do beavers weigh more than humans?

No. A beaver weighs less than one tenth of the average human.

How much does 1 cubic foot of crushed ice weigh?

It depends how small it is crushed and how tightly it's packed. The smaller it's crushed and more tightly it's packed, the heavier it is as there is more ice and less space between the pieces of ice. In the most finely crushed and firmly packed volumes of the frozen stuff, the cubic foot of crushed ice will approach being a solid block. A cubic foot of water weighs about 62.4 pounds. A solid block of ice of the same volume weighs about 57.5 pounds. A cubic foot of "normal" crushed ice might weigh 35 to 45 pound range. And it could weigh more or less.

What should a one year old weigh?

A one year old should weigh about 20 pounds. If it weighs less than that than feed it more. If it weighs 31 or more than take it to its Dr. Dr. C

Why do objects weigh less on moon than on earth?

because the moon's mass is about one-sixth that of the Earth

What are three things that weigh less than a kilogram?

An ant, a pumpkin seed and one crystal of salt.

How much should a three month old calf weigh?

This all depends on the breed. Three-month-old calves of different breeding will weigh more or less than the other. For instance, a Charolais calf will weigh more than a Jersey calf, or a miniature Angus calf will weigh less than an Angus calf (one that is normal in size and proportion).

How much a wolf spider weigh?

Wolf Spiders are not very big, typically less than 1.3 inches in body size. For this reason, they do not weigh very much. On average, the wolf spider weighs less than one ounce.

What weighs less than a pound?

I would say that if you put one coin on a weigh it will be less than a pound. And the easy objects that weighs less than a pound is insects,paper,a single leaf, and etc. There is a lot of things that weigh less than a pound?