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Parallel, surfaces are never perfect, and the peaks and valleys along these surfaces are the objects that interact to create resistance to movement parallel to the surfaces.

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Q: Does friction act perpendicular or parallel to the surfaces in contact?
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Related questions

Is coefficient of friction dependent on the size of the perpendicular force?

No. The coefficient depends only on the two surfaces which are in contact.

What are the two factors that affect the friction force between two surfaces?

The strength of the force of friction depends on the types of surfaces involved and on how hard the surfaces push together.

A lower coefficient of friction indicates that the two surfaces in contact have less resistance?

Yes but make sure you are clear in your understanding between the coefficient of friction and the force of friction. The force of friction is the force that resists the motion of two surfaces moving against one another. The amount of friction is determined by the product of the coefficient of friction and the normal (perpendicular) force that is pressing the two surfaces together. The coefficient of friction is a unit-less constant, that indicates how two surfaces compare to two other surfaces that are being pressed together the same amount. If the normal force is the same on two pairs of surfaces the pair of surfaces with the lowest coefficient of friction will experience the lower force of friction.

What prevents surfaces in contact from sliding past each other?

Friction prevents surfaces in contact from sliding past each other. There are several types of friction including dry friction, fluid friction, lubricated friction, skin friction and internal friction.

What is acts only between surfaces that are in contact?


What acts only between surfaces that are in contact?


What acts between two surfaces that are in contact?


Is formed where bumps from two surfaces come into contact?


What has a force of friction?

Basically, any two surfaces in contact.

When and where do you get friction?

Anytime the surfaces of two objects come into contact.

What are the sources of friction?

Friction occurs because of the interactions between two surfaces that are in contact. When either of the surfaces experiences motion, its friction that resists the same. Wheels moving on a surface will produce friction.

What is coefficient of friction..?

A higher coefficient of friction indicates that two surfaces in contact have a greater resistence. A lower coefficient of friction indicates that the two surfaces in contact have less resistence. Soccer cleats on grass have a greater coefficient of friction than skates on ice.