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14y ago

Electricity is caused by electrons moving atom to atom. In electric current, atoms don't move, only the electrons, almost like a bucket brigade with no end.

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The electron

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Q: Electrical current is defined as the movement of which subatomic particles?
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Am electic current a flow of these subatomic particles?

These particles are the electrons.

What subatomic particle is responsible for moving electrical current?


What are moving electrons called?

Moving electrons or other charged carriers is called electricity. The amount of electrical pressure pushing the electrons is called the voltage. The number of electrons moving past some point in a given time is called the current. Electrons are subatomic particles (smaller than atoms) called leptons.

Electric current is defined as what?

Electric current is defined as the movement of electrical charges.

How is electrical current different then static electricity?

Electrical current is all about charges in movement.

Which is an example of current electricity?

Electrical current is the measure of the flow of electrons, measured in Amperes (Amps). An example would be to compare it with a fluid flow meter. As opposed to pressure, which is analogous to Voltage.

Describe how electrical current flows?

To be precise, a current doesn't flow - a current "is". Although many people - including myself - often use the informal term "a current flows". The particles that make up the current do flow - or move. An electrical current involves the movement of some type of charged particles. Often, these are negative electrons, but there are other possibilities, as well, especially positive holes, and negative or positive ions.

What subatomic praticle is moving in a current?

A current usually involves the movement of charged particles. ANY charged particle will do; though quite often, it is the electron (negative charge). Other options include holes (positive), and ions (positive or negative) in a solution.

What energy produced by the movement of electrons?

Electricity or Electric Energy is the energy formed by the motion of protons and electrons

How is different between voltage and current?

voltage = the electrical "pressure"current = the electrical "movement rate" or "flow rate"

Electric current is defined as?

Movement of electrical charges

What subatomic particle is most directly related to current electricity?

Electrons are mostdirectlyrelated to electric current. (Electric current is caused by the movement of electrons between atoms.)