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2870 KJ (per mole)

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Q: Energy in one mole of glucose in joules?
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1 mole is how many joules?

The mole is a unit of quantity of matter, whereas the Joule is a unit of energy. The relation depends on the substance, and what you wish to do with it. If you had a single mole of one substance and a mole of another and they were stoichiometrically combined, then the energy from the reaction could be calculated, and that could be expressed in Joules. On the other hand, you could also use the equation E=mc2 to derive the annihilation energy of one mole of a given substance. It can be stated, therefore, that there is no trivial conversion.

A mole of sucrose and a mole of glucose are equal in their?

...amount... One mole of sucrose and one mole of glucose refers to the same amount of molecules of each. Remember that the mole is the chemist's counting unit. One mole of something is 6.022137x10^23 particles of a substance.

One mole of glucose is equal to 180 grams how many molecules are in 180 grams?

One mole of a substance is always 6.02X10^23 , since 180g of Glucose is one mole, therefore one mole of Glucose (180g) has 6.02X10^23 Molecules (particles) Avogadros' Number.

How do I convert the enthalpy of vaporization of water in joules per gram from kiloJoules per mole?

Lets say, for example the enthalpy is equal to 1200 joules/gram. You take 1200 joules/gram * (# of grams)/one mole [now you can cancel grams and it is now joules/mole.] Then convert the answer to kilojoules by dividing by 1000.

How much energy joules in a peanut?

Yes, there are energy joules in a peanut. One peanut releases 1,880 physicist calories, or 1.88 food calories. Energy is measured in joules. One food calorie equals 4,200 joules. So one peanut has just under 8,000 joules of energy.

What do measure energy in?

Joules is one method.

The amount of energy required to remove one mole of electrons from one mole of sodium atoms is the?

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What is the weight of one mole of glucose?

One mole of glucose weighs about 180 grams. Molecular formula: C6H12O6. Very accurate molecular weight of one mole of glucose is 180.15768 when the naturally abundant isotopes of these atoms are present in the structure of one mole of glucose.

The amount of energy released when one mole of chloride ions is produced from one mole of chlorine atoms is the?

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one mole of fat releases how much energy

How many joules of energy are produced when one one thousandth kg of mass is changed into energy?

E=mc2E = kgE-3 x 9E16 = 9E13 Joules.

How many individuals atoms are in one mole of a glucose?

The molecular formula of glucose is C6H12O6. 1 mole glucose = 6.022 x 1023 molecules. 1 molecule glucose = 24 atoms 1mole glucose x 6.022 x 1023 molecules/mole x 24 atoms/molecule = 1 x 1025 atoms (rounded to 1 significant figure)