

Every object around you is made up of?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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not every but most objects are made of compounds.

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Or atoms.

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Q: Every object around you is made up of?
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Every living thing is made up of cells. There is no such thing alive that is not made up of one or more cells. If the object/product etc. has no cells, then the thing is not alive. The cells in a living thing is what makes it alive and make it to continue living. There are many things that confuse people with whether the object is alive or not. If not sure, look through a microscope on the highest zoom lens and there is your answer or ask a local scientist.

What does a triangle with the number 2 mean in the middle?

If the triangle is made up of three bent arrows, then it is a recycling symbol which means that the object is made of HDPE: high density polyethylene.If the triangle is made up of three bent arrows, then it is a recycling symbol which means that the object is made of HDPE: high density polyethylene.If the triangle is made up of three bent arrows, then it is a recycling symbol which means that the object is made of HDPE: high density polyethylene.If the triangle is made up of three bent arrows, then it is a recycling symbol which means that the object is made of HDPE: high density polyethylene.