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Take an electric bell and hang this bell inside an empty bell-jar fitted with a vacuum pump (as shown in the following figure).

Initially, one can hear the sound of the ringing bell. Now, pump out some air from the bell-jar using the vacuum pump. It will be observed that the sound of the ringing bell decreases. If one keeps on pumping the air out of the bell-jar, then at one point, the glass-jar will be devoid of any air. At this moment, no sound can be heard from the ringing bell although one can see that the prong of the bell is still vibrating. When there is no air present inside, we can say that a vacuum is produced. Sound cannot travel through vacuum. This shows that sound needs a material medium for its propagation.

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2mo ago

One way to demonstrate that sound needs a material medium to travel through is to conduct an experiment in a vacuum chamber. Place a ringing bell inside the vacuum chamber and then remove all the air from the chamber. The ringing of the bell will stop because there is no air (material medium) for the sound waves to travel through. This demonstrates that sound cannot propagate without a material medium.

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15y ago

take a plastic ruler .place the ruler on the table top such that 10 cm of ruler projects out from the edge of the table .

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Q: Experiment to demonstrate that sound need a material medium to propagate?
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What is an experiment to demonstrate that sound requires a medium to travel?

One experiment is to use a bell inside a vacuum chamber. When the chamber is evacuated of air, the sound of the bell will not be heard because there is no medium (air) for the sound waves to travel through. This demonstrates that sound requires a medium to propagate.

What wave which require a material medium to propagate?

Mechanical waves, like sound waves or ocean waves, require a material medium to propagate because they rely on the vibration or movement of particles in the medium to transmit energy. Electromagnetic waves, such as light or radio waves, do not require a material medium and can travel through a vacuum.

Where does sound not propagate?

sound needs a material medium to travel. Sound can travel by compression and rarefactions.attma

Does every wave have a medium?

No, not every wave requires a medium. Electromagnetic waves, such as light waves, can travel through a vacuum because they do not require a material medium to propagate. Sound waves, on the other hand, do require a medium, such as air, water, or solids, to propagate.

What is the scientific name for something a sound travels through?

The scientific name for the medium through which sound travels is "material" or "medium". Sound waves need a material medium to propagate, such as air, water, or solid objects.

What is the material which sound waves travel through?

Sound waves travel through a medium, such as air, water, or a solid material like metal or concrete. The medium acts as a carrier for the sound waves to propagate.

Medium for the wave?

The medium of any wave is the material that the wave energy travels through; in this case water.

Does sound travel faster in a vacuum?

No, sound cannot travel in a vacuum because it requires a medium, such as air, water, or a solid material, to propagate. In the absence of a medium, there are no molecules for the sound waves to travel through, so they cannot propagate and cannot travel.

What is the material through which a wave travels is called the?

The material through which a wave travels is called the medium. The properties of the medium, such as density and elasticity, determine how the wave will propagate through it. Waves can travel through various mediums including air, water, and solids.

What do mechanical waves need to propagate?

Mechanical waves badly need a material medium to get propagated. For example sound waves need air, water or solid medium to pass through. But light though it is a wave, it could pass through even through vacuum. Hence it is not a mechanical wave. But it is proved to be an electromagnetic wave. Present science has accepted even free space ie vacuum to be a medium but it is non-material medium.

Why can't sound travel through a medium?

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum because it requires a medium, such as air, water, or a solid material, to propagate as a mechanical wave. In a vacuum, there are no particles for the sound waves to transfer energy through, so the waves cannot propagate.

Is it true that sound waves can travel through a vacuum?

No, sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum because they require a medium (such as air, water, or a solid material) to propagate. In the absence of a medium, there is nothing for the sound waves to travel through, so they cannot propagate.