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Unstable atoms, like your alkaline metals(correct me if I'm wrong) gain stability by finishing off their valence electron count, in the outer most shell that orbits around the nucleus. the first electron shell can hold 2 electrons, 2nd can hold eight, etc. So for example, Carbon has 6 electrons. That means that its first shell is filled and the second is half-way filled.Because it needs 8 valence electrons in that second shell to be stable, it will search for 4 bonds with say hydrogen. Hydrogen only needs one bond, so it would have to pair with 4 hydrogens to be satisfied. The more filled the valence shell, or last shell, is filled, the more stable it will be.

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10y ago

Commonly, atoms gain their stability by involving in chemical bonding. Most bonds between non metals are covalent where most bonds between metals and non metals are ionic. Meanwhile metals form metallic bonds with atoms of the same metal or sometimes different metals.

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13y ago

atoms gain stability by reacting with other atoms means by forming compound.

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11y ago

The only way for an atom to become stable is to become an ion, losing or gaining electrons so it can have eight valence electrons (electrons on the outermost shell).

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What makes a nucleus radioactive?

If you are referring to a cell's nucleus than the simple answer is that's not radioactive. Radioactivity occurs when elemental atoms become unstable due to the loss or gain of additional neutrons; these unstable atoms are referred to as radioactive isotopes. If a cell's nucleus were radioactive it would not last very long, its structure and function would quickly degrade and collapse.

Do atoms lose protons but seldom lose or gain electrons?

No. Atoms can gain and lose electrons but seldom gain or lose protons.

How atom is unstable?

Radioactivity of certain atoms occurs because the energy state of the nucleus is increased above the lowest possible level for the components of the nucleus. The nucleus is in effect trying to achieve a lower energy level, by emitting energy in the form of radiation. Sometimes a long chain of decay exists before a stable nucleus emerges. The most common forms of decay are: 1. alpha decay-an alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons. Thus in alpha decay the atomic number of the nucleus reduces by two, and the atomic weight by four. 2. Beta decay-a beta particle is an electron or a positron. These are formed by decay of a neutron to a proton (beta minus) or a proton to a neutron (beta plus). Thus in beta decay the atomic number of the nucleus increases or decreases by one, the atomic weight remains constant. 3. Gamma decay-a gamma ray is a high energy photon which results from an excited state of a nucleus, without change in atomic number or atomic weight. In all these cases the resulting nucleus has lower energy than the initial one.

What makes an atom reactive?

since an atom wants to gain stability by achieving the electronic configuration of the nearest noble gas it has to have 8 electrons in the valence shell so it becomes reactie to gain stability

Do atoms of the halogen family of elements typically gain two electrons when they react?

No, they gain only one electron per atom.

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Why atoms join to form molecules?

atoms are generally unstable. they combine to form stable molecules

What is is the reason that atoms bond with other atoms?

To gain electronic stability (i.e. stability with respect to their electron configuration)

Why is the joining of atoms important?

to gain more stability

Will unstable nuclei all undergo radioactive decay in order to gain stability?


Atoms react with other atoms based on?

This depends on the ability to gain/loss electrons.

What do atoms gain by chemically bonding?

Atoms gain stability by bonding. This is usually due to achieving a noble gas configuration, also called an octet, as a result of bonding.

Why does combustion occur?

The combustible compounds are unstable so to gain the stability as CO2 and H2O they catch the fire and combustion occurs.

Why atoms want to gain stability?

Atoms are inanimate objects and do not have wants or desires. this is silly anthropomorphic language and is unwarranted. tendencies, yes, but not wants.

Will chlorine gain an electron?

Chlorine atoms have 7 outermost electrons and need to gain an electron to achieve the stability of a full valence shell.

Why do atoms react?

Atoms react to gain more stability and each element tend to obey octet rule. One atom react with other atoms and form different type of bonds either by complete transfer of electrons or by sharing of electrons, thereby trying to gain more stability by obeying octet rule.

Why do bonds form in elements?

Elements bond together to gain more stability than their existance of individual atoms.

Why the atoms form bonds with each other?

Atoms involve in chemical bonding to gain extra stability than existing as individual atoms. It can be inferred as chemical bonding releases energy.