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Three fundamental principles which form the basis of classical mechanics. They are stated as follows: First law: A particle not subjected to external forces remains at rest or moves with constant speed in a straight line. Second law: The acceleration of a particle is directly proportional to the resultant external force acting on the particle and is inversely proportional to the mass of the particle. Third law: If two particles interact, the force exerted by the first particle on the second particle (called the action force) is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force exerted by the second particle on the first particle (called the reaction force). The newtonian laws have proved valid for all mechanical problems not involving speeds comparable with the speed of light and not involving atomic or sub atomic particles ----

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Q: Find 2 news article on isaac newton's something to do with newton's law of gravity or newton's third law of motion?
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what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.? what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.?

What was isaac newtons acheivements?

He wrote the laws of motion and the theory of gravity.

How does gravity relates to newtons 3 las of motion?

Newton's three laws of motion describe how forces affect motion. They have nothing to do with gravity, except that gravity is one of many possible causes of force.

Do Laws of motion and gravity work together?

yes, since newtons law

Isaac newton has credit for what?

discovering gravity, newtons three laws of motion

Why is Newton laws of motion important to humans?

newtons laws of motion are important to humans because without them we wouldn't know what motion or gravity is.

How can you do an experiment using newtons laws of motion?

For example: A alive human is in motion and a dead human is something not in motion.

Whose theory of relativity replaced newtons comforting beliefs in a world run by absolute laws of motion and gravity?

Albert Einstein:)

How jump is possible in space as there is no reaction force?

I assume you mean micro gravity or in free fall when you write "space" You (the jumper) has to push on something. Once you have jumped off something you will continue (as Newtons laws of motion propose) until you are stopped by another force.

How does the law of gravity affect objects?

For every action there is a equal and opposite reaction... aka newtons 3rd law of motion. hoped that helped :)

Whose theory of relativity replaced Newtons comforting belief in a world run by absolute laws of motion and gravity?

Albert Einstein:)