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Water is usually neutral. In the event that the water is acidic, it can be neutralized by adding a base. Calcium Hydroxide is an example of a basic substance.

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13y ago

limewater is Ca(OH)2

so it's basic

it may be neutralised by acidic solution

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Distilled water is exactly neutral and thus does not need any substance to neutralize it.

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Q: Give a name of a substance which could be used to neutralise the water?
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Give an example where heating results in contraction?

If water at 0oC is heated, it will contract, instead of expanding. This contratction will continue till 4oC. After 4oC, water will behave as normal substance and start to expand.

How do you prove that the mass of a substance of a density is equal to the volume of water?

Submerse the object in a completely full bucket. measure the volume of the displaced water due to the object. Multiply the volume of the displaced water by the density of the object to give mass.

What role does density play in nature?

yas this is the answer Give the name of the outward curve found on the surface of water Give the name of the outward curve found on the surface of water Give the name of the outward curve found on the surface of water Give the name of the outward curve found on the surface of water Give the name of the outward curve found on the surface of water Give the name of the outward curve found on the surface of water Give the name of the outward curve found on the surface of water Give the name of the outward curve found on the surface of water Give the name of the outward curve found on the surface of water Give the name of the outward curve found on the surface of water Give the name of the outward curve found on the surface of water v

When substance give off light or another form of electromagnetic radiartion when they absorb energy?


How much does 18.5 liters of water weigh?

You need the density of the substance. You will need do to some conversions in order to get it in terms of pounds per liter. After you have the density just multiply it by the volume to give you the mass.

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Steam is the term used for water vapor. So the answer has to be water.

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water is a substance, made of oxygen and hydrogen, because mixing ox and hyd would give nothing but explosion, water is an effect of chemical reaction, not only mixing gases

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How do you change a gas into a liquid give an example?

To change from a gas into a liquid you must cool the substance. For example: water vapour to water.

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Initially , water, which will dilute the acid. You can add powdered chalk , calcium carbonate'. This will neutralise the acid to its salt. e.g. H2SO4 + CaCO3(chalk) = CaSO4(salt) + H2O +CO2 Note all the acid has gone.

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I think they mostly eat water bugs?? yes they do a tadpole could die of tap water do not give it tap water or else it could die i give my tadpole puriefed water and you>>

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