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Plants do that - hence fossil fuels. It can also be converted to electricity by photovoltaic cell arrays, though they don't "trap" the energy. They can however be used to charge batteries.

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1mo ago

Solar energy can be trapped using solar panels, which contain photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity. These panels are typically installed on rooftops or in open fields to capture the sun's energy and convert it into usable power for homes or buildings.

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  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Methane
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The greenhouse effect

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Q: How can the energy from the sun be trapped?
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What do you call energy that gets trapped in your atmosphere from the sun?

The energy that gets trapped in Earth's atmosphere from the sun is called solar radiation. This energy is absorbed by the atmosphere and contributes to the warming of the planet through a process known as the greenhouse effect.

Where in the leaf is light energy in the sun is trapped?

Light energy is trapped in the chloroplasts of leaf cells, specifically in the thylakoid membranes where the pigment chlorophyll is located. This trapping process is part of the photosynthesis process where light energy is converted into chemical energy to produce sugar for the plant's growth and metabolism.

How is energy trapped from Sun light?

Energy from sunlight is trapped by plants through a process called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (sugar) and oxygen. The energy from sunlight is stored in the chemical bonds of glucose, which can then be used by the plant for growth and energy.

What happens to the sun's energy as it is reflected back from the earth?

When the sun's energy is reflected back from the Earth, it can be absorbed by the atmosphere, clouds, or surface. Some of the energy gets trapped and warms the Earth, contributing to the greenhouse effect. The rest is radiated back towards space.

What is the origin of non-renewable energy sources including how energy can be trapped in these sources?

Non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) are formed over millions of years from decayed organic matter trapped in the Earth's crust. The energy in these sources comes from the sun's energy, which plants absorbed through photosynthesis and then converted into chemical energy. This stored energy is released when the fossil fuels are burned for heating, electricity generation, and transportation.

Related questions

What do you call energy that gets trapped in your atmosphere from the sun?

The energy that gets trapped in Earth's atmosphere from the sun is called solar radiation. This energy is absorbed by the atmosphere and contributes to the warming of the planet through a process known as the greenhouse effect.

What term refers to the sun's energy being trapped in our atmosphere?

the greenhouse effect

What is process by which energy from the sun is trapped on earth surface and converted into heat?

The greenhouse effect

During photosynthesis energy from the sun is trapped in what?

During photosynthesis, energy from the sun is trapped and converted into chemical energy in the form of glucose molecules. This process occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells, where chlorophyll, a pigment that absorbs sunlight, plays a key role in capturing and converting solar energy.

Why does it gets so hot inside a car parked in the sun?

Energy from light waves is trapped inside the car as heat energy.

Does Venus gets its energy from the sun or volcanoes?

I'm not sure what you mean by "energy". The temperature of Venus is generally attributed to "Green House Effect" and is the result of the sun's energy being trapped by the Venus cloud cover.

What is the natural process where the sun's energy is trapped by the atmosphere to make the Earth warm enough for life?

The natural process is called the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane, trap some of the sun's energy, preventing it from escaping back into space. This trapped energy warms the Earth's surface and makes it suitable for life.

Where in the leaf is light energy in the sun is trapped?

Light energy is trapped in the chloroplasts of leaf cells, specifically in the thylakoid membranes where the pigment chlorophyll is located. This trapping process is part of the photosynthesis process where light energy is converted into chemical energy to produce sugar for the plant's growth and metabolism.

Flow of energy converted with photosynthesis?

Fusion energy in the Sun's core produces light that leaves the Sun as electromagnetic radiation. This is trapped by the chloroplasts in plant cells and the energy is used to break chemical bonds and make new chemical bonds. Sugars are made and the sugars store the Sun's energy as chemical energy.

What happens to the sun engery during photosynthesis?

This energy is trapped in a glucose molecule. You get glucose from carbon bi oxide and water with the help of a green pigment in plants. Sun has been the main source of energy.

How is energy trapped from Sun light?

Energy from sunlight is trapped by plants through a process called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (sugar) and oxygen. The energy from sunlight is stored in the chemical bonds of glucose, which can then be used by the plant for growth and energy.

What is the energy coming from the sun?

The energy coming from the sun is in the form of electromagnetic radiation, primarily in the form of visible light. This energy is essential for sustaining life on Earth through processes like photosynthesis and heating the planet.