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If you take a long spring/slinkie, and stretch across a table or the floor by holding it at either end and making a quick up down movement with your arm you can send a wave down the slinkie. The height of the wave can be determined by the power of the shake

I hope this helps, it was demonstated in Physics to us

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Q: How could a stretched spring be used to demonstrate waves?
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The spring is their medium.

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Toy spring.

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When a transverse progressive wave gets superimposed by the reflected wave then stationary transverse waves are produced

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Doppler effect Red Shift

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Well... waves on springs are caused by mechanical energy. You can't, for example, sent radio waves along a spring and see them. So answer: mechanical waves.

When each portion of a coil spring is alternatively compressed and extended what waves is produced?

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What tools is used to model waves?

Toy spring.