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possibly holding the balloons hole thing so when u let go it makes noise

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Popping it.

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Q: How do change the balloon's potential energy into sound energy?
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Potential to sound energy

Does potential energy equal kinetic energy plus heat and sound?

Normally the heat and sound are forms of energy wasted in the conversion from potential to kinetic energy. By the conservation of energy principle the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy not withstanding energy losses.

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sound energy???

What type of energy is sound besidess potential and kinetic?

Sound is a mechanical ennergy besides potential and kinetic.

Why is sound energy kinetic energy?

Sound is the movement of a medium at frequencies we can hear. As it always involves movement of a medium, either a solid, liquid or gas to be transmitted it will involve kinetic energy at times. Note that kinetic energy is the energy stored in a moving mass. Sound waves carry energy with a combination of both kinetic and potential energy. There are two moments in every cycle where there is no movement and therefore no kinetic energy. These two points are at the upper and lower peaks of the wave.

Does electrical energy change into sound?

does electrical energy can change into sound? yes it can

When an object that is falling loose potential energy what is this transformed into?

The potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy, heat and sometimes sound.

What are facts about sound energy?

sound energy is mechanic energy-which is both potential and kinetic energy-which is- potential:position- kinetic:motion ;D _Beth

What type of potential energy is stored in a clockwork toy?

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thermal and gravitational and gravitational potential and kinetic and poential and sound and mechanical energy is found in a saxaphone.