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Endothermic phase changes - the substance is gaining energy (being heated) and the molecules are getting more active.

- solid to liquid: melting

- liquid to gas: vaporization

- solid to gas: sublimation

Exothermic phase changes - the substance is losing energy (cooling) and the molecules are slowing down.

- gas to liquid: condensation

- liquid to solid: freezing

- gas to solid: deposition

Memory helper: exo is like exit, and the heat energy exits the substance during an exothermic phase change.

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3mo ago

Melting: Solid turns into liquid. Freezing: Liquid turns into solid. Vaporization: Liquid turns into gas. Condensation: Gas turns into liquid. Sublimation: Solid turns into gas. Deposition: Gas turns into solid.

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Yes, energy is required for each phase change. During a phase change, such as melting, vaporization, or sublimation, energy is either absorbed or released in order to break or form intermolecular forces between molecules.

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Sublimation is defined as a phase change from a solid into a gas without passing through a liquid phase in between. In some other fields of science, e.g. psychology, the word is also used to describe a change of state.

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Change of phase is caused 99% of the time by a change in temperature or pressure.

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Phase change is the process where a substance changes from one state to another, such as solid to liquid. During phase change, thermal energy is absorbed or released without a change in temperature, as the energy is used to break or form intermolecular bonds. Heat energy is the transfer of thermal energy between objects due to a temperature difference, and it can cause phase changes by providing the energy needed to overcome intermolecular forces.

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A phase change is an example of a physical change, not a chemical, nuclear, or covalent change. During a phase change, the substance undergoes a change in state (solid, liquid, gas) without any change in its chemical composition.