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It's best to know what you are talking about first, too many ill-informed articles have been written. You really need to be involved in the industry to get enough background, and the health physics branch would be a good place to learn about pollution as it actually happens (which is very little generally). If you are going to be an outside observer, you need at least to understand the different types of radiation and their effects on living bodies, the chemistry of how different species are absorbed and how they behave in the environment, and so on. So if you haven't already got a degree in physics I suggest you complete some sort of course at you local college on the subject, before going into print.

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Nuclear waste pollution can cause people and animals to suffer and most likely die from its poisons

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Not much pollution unless there is a nuclear reaction.

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There is smoke pollution from the reactor itself, in addition to the large trouble of disposing of the highly toxic nuclear waste.

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... there is no air pollution if it is controlled.

What are the problems of nuclear power?

It can cause pollution to the planet .

Does nuclear power hurt the environmont?

No, nuclear power maintains environment non pollution as it does emit green house gases and do not contribute to global warming and environment pollution.