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Manorialism was a medieval system where lords granted land to peasants in exchange for labor and goods. Peasants worked the land and paid taxes to the lord in exchange for protection and use of the land. This system helped maintain social order and economic stability in feudal societies.

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Q: How does a manorialism work?
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How did manorialism work ineurope?

Manorialism in Europe was a system where peasants lived on a lord's estate, known as a manor, and worked the land in exchange for protection and a share of the crops. The lord would provide the peasants with land, housing, and some resources, while the peasants would work the land and pay rent or provide services to the lord. This system created a hierarchy of social classes and allowed for a stable agricultural economy during the medieval period.

What are the types of mechanical work?

The types of mechanical work include static work, dynamic work, and intensive work. Static work refers to work done without motion, dynamic work involves movement, and intensive work focuses on the internal energy changes within a system.

How does input work and out put work affect the efficiency of a simple machine?

Input work is the work done on a machine, while output work is the work done by the machine. Efficiency of a simple machine is calculated as the ratio of output work to input work. The efficiency of a simple machine is high when the output work is close to the input work, indicating that the machine is converting most of the input work into useful output work.

What formula relates work and power?

The formula that relates work and power is: Power = Work / Time. Power is the rate at which work is done, which is the amount of work done divided by the time it takes to do that work.

The work that the simple machine does is called the work?

The work that a simple machine does is called mechanical work. It refers to the amount of force applied over a distance to accomplish a task using the simple machine.

Related questions

How do you use manorialism in a sentence?

manorialism is what you think hahaha funny

What work arrangements is most similar to manorialism?

Sharecropping, in which a wealthy landowner rents land to farmers in exchange for a share of their crops

Why is Manorialism important?

Just cause it is.

How did manorialism help both nobles and peasants?

The nobles told the peasants what to do, gained all the income off their work, and taxed them for everything.

Does manorialism encourage trade?


How did manorialism impact the roman empire?

manorialism had a good impact on the roman empire becaused it helpeed the society stay in order it helped people alot

How can you use manorialism in a sentence?

Manorialism was a system of land ownership and organization in medieval Europe where lords granted land to vassals in exchange for loyalty and service.

Is Manorialism an agreement between two nobles concerning land and services?

Yes, manorialism is an agreement between two nobles concerning land and services.

Does the feudal system work?

yes it does and it did for many years during the middle ages. some thought manorialism worked even better, but the feudal system was very affective.

Under manorialism who controlled land in Europe?

a lord (apex)

How did manorialism affect western civilization?

Manorialism is a system of social relations between seigneurs or lords and their dependent farm laborers, serfs, in the Middle Ages. Manorialism is also known as the Manorial System. The political, economic, and social system is what the peasants of medieval Europe were made dependent on their land derived from the word "manor".

How did the commercial revolution contribute to the decline of feudalism and manorialism?

because walrus