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It is just shaky like kind of funny and fells sore.

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3w ago

Some people may find the sensation of their breasts jiggling to be uncomfortable, while others may not mind it. It can vary depending on an individual's sensitivity and the level of jiggling.

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4y ago

It just feels nice and goes around the place.

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Q: How does it feel when your breasts jiggle?
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How do you play with your breasts?

Jiggle them and squeeze them together

Why do your breasts jiggle when you run?

Boobs jiggle because they are coposed of fat cells. They are not firm or rigid, and cannot be made into muscle.

What is the use of a bra?

to stabilize your breasts. When you jump nobody will see them jiggle.

How do you feel your breasts?

Just touch them

How do you make your breasts feel good?

Massaging your breasts with lotion feels really good

Do guys like to feel breasts?


Does sucking breasts tickle?

well it can, its how u feel!

When did Jiggle the Handle end?

Jiggle the Handle ended in 2001.

When was Jiggle the Handle created?

Jiggle the Handle was created in 1989.

Should one's breasts be heavy and feel big at three months pregnant?

It's possible your breasts to feel big and heavy, but not all womens breats get that way.

How do you hold breasts?

You cup your hands and if the breasts are naked you put your hands on them and feel how lovely and soft and warm they are and you give them a nice little squeeze. They feel really nice.

Why do people jiggle?

people don't jiggle. That's just weird