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kinetic energy is enegy being used, the opposite of potential energy, which is energy being stored, or waiting to be used. When a ball bounces it is using its energy. When a ball is held by a person, it holds potential energy, or the potential to use energy.

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Q: How does kinetic energy of the ball relate to the bounce of the ball?
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When you bounce a ball what kind of energy do you have?


If 100 percent of the balls kinetic energy were converted back to potential energy how high would the ball bounce?

The ball would bounce back to where it was dropped.

What energy transformation happens when you bounce a ball?

Kinetic energy is transformed in Potential elastic and back.

Describe the energy transformation that occur when you bounce a ball?

When the ball hits the ground, kinetic energy is turned into potential energy and stored momentarily as the ball compresses. As the ball rebounds, the potential energy is converted back to kinetic energy. Some energy is also lost in the form of heat and air waves (sound). This continues with each bounce and due to the loss of energy, the ball gradually stops bouncing.

If A rubber ball is dropped on the floor what force causes it to bounce?

kinetic and potential energy.

How does the height of a ball affect the height of its bounce?

the potential energy gets changed into kinetic energy so when it hits the ground it will bounce back up.

How does carpet absorb energy from a ball?

Carpet absorbs energy from a ball because the carpet absorbs more kinetic energy. The energy that is absorbed doesn't allow the ball to bounce.

When you bounce a ball what kinds of energys do you have?


Will a ball bounce higher if it is dropped from a greater height?

yes up to a certain point as there is more kinetic energy involved.The height of its bounce is limited by its terminal velocity

Why does a ball bounce?

A ball, falling through space, loses potential energy and gains kinetic energy. This is a way to say (in Physics equations) that it goes faster the longer it falls. When the ball strikes a hard surface, the ball is deformed and changes all the kinetic energy to elastic energy. This energy then changes back to kinetic energy as the ball recovers its shape. This is an example of an elastic collision. There is some loss due to air resistance and thermal loss in the conversion from kinetic to elastic and back again, but the ball acts as a good demonstration that energy is conserved in physical processes.

What are the conversions between potential and kinetic energy that occurs when you shoot a basketball at a basket?

Seriously -.-' First of all When You throw The Basketball it is going up^ Which is Kinetic energy when is comes down and STOPS it is Potential energy. Oh And this question is in the 6th grade science textbook! The orange yeah. BYe

Why if you drop a gold ball on pavement does not bounce highly?

because gold is heavy? and the concrete is too solid/dense to harness the kinetic energy from the fall of the gold ball because when it meets with the concrete the energy is turned into potential energy