

How does somebody quantum jump?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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14y ago

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A quantum jump is a term sometimes used for an atomic electron transition, in which an electron changes from one quantum state to another within an atom. This transition releases electromagnetic radiation in the form of quantized units called photons.

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13y ago
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2mo ago

Quantum jumping typically refers to a method of manifestation or visualization where someone imagines themselves in their desired reality or future state. The practice involves using a combination of creative visualization, intention setting, and belief to shift one's mindset and ultimately bring about desired changes in their life. It is a mental exercise that is said to help align one's thoughts and actions with their goals.

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14y ago

People are far too large for quantization to have a noticeable effect upon their jumping.

Quantum Jumping is the process of "jumping" into parallel dimensions, and gaining skills, knowledge, wisdom and inspiration from alternate versions of yourself.

Yes, but how do you do it? HOW do you Quantum Jump?

check out this link..The origin of quantum jumping came from this fellow "Goldman"

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13y ago

A quantum jump is a term sometimes used for the change of an electron from one quantum state to another within an atom. These jumps cause emission of electromagnetic radiation in the form of photons, following Poisson statistics and with exponential damping.

Quantum jumping is also a pseudoscience product scam pushed forward by Burt Goldman, in particular, using a mixture of real scientific fact and vague promises. The claim is that through certain meditation patterns, you can project yourself into an alternate universe in which you have made different choices and become a different person, and they can give you helpful information on your future life. However, this has no basis in scientific theory, but can instead be lumped into normal meditation, especially given the tendency of these alternate universe doppelgangers to be perfectly fine with having an alternate self suddenly appear in front of them.

Overall, it's a scam designed to prey on the scientifically illiterate who are drawn in by some real facts such as the Many-Worlds Theory, and end up paying for something that has no real effect other than the placebo effect. For example, one can look at his own examples, including books he claims to have written, and see that there is no critical acclaim for anything that he has done: not surprising, since he claims to have just started doing all of those items at age 80 without any prior training.

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What is a Quantum?

In physics, a quantum leap or jump is the change of an electron from one energy state to another within an atom. It is discontinuous; electrons jump from one energy level to another instantaneously, with no intervening or intermediary condition. The phenomenon contradicts classical theories, which expect energy levels to be continuous. Quantum leaps are the sole cause of the emission of electromagnetic radiation, including light, which occurs in the form of quantized units called photons. Ironically, when laymen use the term colloquially, they use it to describe large jumps in progress, when in reality a quantum leap is a very small change of state.